hello, from Iashi, this time; sunt cu Marian in ceva cafe ("and he rules"... or at least this is what he says... Marian, nu net-cafe-ul); anyways, getting to the debate that's been taking place over here these days.
our common opinion upon the matter, cel putzin asupra unui anumit punct suna in felul urmator: Alex, we think you're quite uniqe... asta fiind varianta eleganta pentru ideea cf careia punctul TAU de vedere este al TAU shi NUMAI al tau. personall,y i tend to agree more with vlad. yea, the idea of US as a group IS fucked up, dusa pe apa Sambetei, Dumnicii, Vinerei etc. (you make your pick for that matter... sad humour, ha?). un argument in sensul asta ar fi acela ca what WE believe e mai degraba k atunci cand ne vedem, mai bine zis in RARELE momente of actually being together there's no more communication, nu din aia "adevarata", in orice caz; apar numai ceva discutzii fara cap shi fara coada, ultimele bancuri, unele mai reushite, altele mai nu, sports news, cum mai e vremea... how many gf's or bf's did one have lately shi... cam atat. [gf = girlfriend, bf = boyfriend].
nu numai atat... we don't debate together any more, we don't talk over the phone, iar din experientza MEA personala am constatat ca de prin februarie shi pana acum am "talked" cu voi, totzi, laolalta, mai putzin decat am facut-o vreodata pana acum... sad, ha? especially for me, it is. i need to finish this idea, than marian will say his solution... so: i don't make friends easily... actually, if i think of it some more, for the last some 2-3 years i didn't make friends AT ALL, except for you, guys. and now this is going away too.
now, for Marian's solution: his point of view is "getting back to the roots" - mai clar: if debating was the thing to bring us together, then debate must be the thing to get us back together. mai clar: participarea, DIN NOU (again, iarashi...) TOGETHER la ceva competitzie de debates, might it be the regionals, or the nationals or smth outside romania... sau: going to the mountains, to the sea-side, to... "WHEREVER", as long as "wherever" can do the trick again.
revenind la mine, Teo: am cumva tendintza sa simt manifestarile astea, incercari de re-evaluare a pozitziilor unora fatza de ceilaltzi ca un fel de consiliere maritala. no shit, now, but it sounds pretty much like that and i don't enjoy the idea a lot, personally. insa, sincer vorbind (nu k nu ash fi eu sincera, it's just a matter of speaking..) tind sa acord mai mult credit unei actziuni de evaluare, momentan, decat unei de "getting somewhere and doing something", shi ii vad validitatea mai mare prin aceea ca we can all think about this, express our points of view, fara ca asta sa ne coste nimic shi fara sa trebuiasca sa ne intrerupem de la ceva sau altceva ca sa facem asta. we should analyze what is keep us together, still. and draw some conclusions. cuz i DO actually believe that there are still things to keep us together, might it even be the internet addiction, at times :) - bad joke, again...
i KNOW that my musical preferences changed, i also know that i started to watch more MOVIES, in exchange for that. but this is only superficial stuff. we need to go deeper than that. marian guesses he agrees...
guess i'll stop for now... but i'll MOST DEFINITELY get back, cuz i happen (or maybe i am determined, more like it...) to CARE, and cuz to me it DOES MATTER.
still Teo, but a bit sadder...
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