Hey, everyone!
So I finally managed to buy my ticket home. Ajung in Bucuresti marti, 29 iulie, la 2:10 p.m. If any of you happen to be around, lemme know. Ma gandesc sa iau rapidu’ catre Iasi, most likely the 23:04 one, so I have about 7 hours to spare, given the airport hassle and such. If any of you have any American wishes (one jaw-breaker coming right up :), lemme know as well, provided they don't require my winning the lottery anytime soon :p
Also, am sa fiu la Neptun undeva intre 8 si 14 august, ALONE. At least I hope so. If anybody has any beach thoughts for that period, I have a room and another bed available. On the same token, sleeping bags are always welcome. But we can talk about this later, if there’s interest.
That's it for now -
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