Friday, July 30, 2004

Quick note to whomever's checking the blog regularly from Middlebury College - who are you and what's you interest in this site? I have an idea (Miha??), but I might be wrong. I don't normally check the blog stats on a daily basis - but when I do, you're IP address always shows up.

Fell free to respond via comments.


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right guess, Alex.
That's quite some IP police you're using. N-as putea spune ca ma face sa ma simt super at ease apropo de privacy on the net in general.
V-am gasit din intamplare si faptul ca aveti un loc al vostru, chiar si pe internet, mi se pare foarte cool.
Ei, si m-am bucurat sa mai vad ce mai faceti si voi.
Cam atat, I don't think I'll be checking that often in the future,
but for now I was glad to sort of find out what you guys are up to.

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Alex said...

Hey, Miha -

No problem, at least on my side. The blog is public and it will stay that way. I use a regular stats service; actually, if you look on the bottom right corner of the "Links: area, you will see a little square icon. If you click on it, the public stats site will show up. As for the privacy part, I am pretty paranoid about it myself; it's college IP addresses in general that have to deal with it. I'm pretty sure they are required by law, as judicial bodies, to list their IP ID as "X College", or "University of X." This is especially important when Kazaa-like copyright trials are in place. And I knew you were at Middlebury given your profile on All in all, give me a call sometime, you have my number. Also lemme know if you will be in NYC anytime soon. Feel free to check out this site anytime you wish.

Take care,


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