Monday, February 04, 2008

Technologically Frustrated

... last night, my mobile phone fell off my pocket on the backseat of the taxi that got me back home; it had not only all of my contacts & the only alarm clock I use to wake up during workdays, but also my Dutch sim card (with all my Utrecht & A'dam contacts), as well as my Portuguese sim card... I will miss it dearly, at least for some time...

p.s. Alex: sorry for not havin answered your msg, I had no clue until Fri morning on whether I'd be in Iasi or not last weekend; in the end, I stayed in Buch.. hope you had fun!


At 12:26 AM, Blogger Lulu.Oui.c'est.Moi said...

Hi, I just saw your comments in Lula's blog. They both know Patricia, I introduced them last year, shortly before I left Bucharest.
So if you still need her cell number or her e-mail just contact me through blogs!
Best regards

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Alex said...

no worries. you know though messages don't have to be positive answers to be sent. a simple "i don't know" is often quite efficient! hope all is well.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Alex said...

p.s sorry to hear about your phone.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Teo said...

...stiu ca ai dreptate, insa cred ca am obiceiul de a prefera sa dau raspunsuri clare, mai degraba decat inconcludente... s-ar putea sa fie "defect profesional", heh!

si totusi, cum a fost in Iasi?
si cum e Elvetia, viata ta acolo?
si ce raspunsuri ai primit la app's?

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Alex said...

Iasi - slept and celebrated mom's bday. Just what I needed. Battery recharge.
Geneva - lots of work, but also plenty of sun and clean air. Discovered great sushi place a block away from the hotel.
Apps - one safety net school positive answer, no negatives or other type of answers just yet.
NYC first trip - Feb 20-24. Like I miss jet lag.
Bucharest short trip - Feb 29-31. Will call.

P.S. From The Economist - The World in 2008: "Transnational lovers - They are Europeans, lived abroad as students, fly easyJet and email each other all the time. The e-generation is coming of age, and thinking of settling somewhere. Transnational couples are taking over all those nice, mid-sized cities - Bologna, Budapest, Dublin, Helsinki, Seville - and leaving the classic, the crowded and the obvious (London, Paris, Rome) to tourists." - sounds familiar?

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Teo said...

...stiu ca n-ai vrut sa scrii 31 feb, asa cum stiu ca erai obosita la acel moment.. :)
in weekend-ul cu pricina cred ca voi fi (inca) in Cj la ceva training, dar iti voi spune ce si cum pana atunci.

The Economist quote was... awkward! nu ma simt fenomen social... then again, who does?!...

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Alex said...

in my world on a Sunday post 13h day week there is a 31st of Feb - but if you insist that can be changed to Mar 1 through 3rd (leaving Mon eve) :)


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