Almancil: Algarve: Portugal

Sometimes, Portuguese news can get quite exciting to watch. Take tonight, for instance: the guy above is a real person who's gotten stuck in the wall of a supermarket whilst trying to commit a robbery. For 10 hours. He started the operation at 9.00 pm. He was found at 7.00 am, the next day.
Now, what I'm wondering is: Why have the trousers fallen off? Was it part of his plan, or did someone else contribute to that? And how about the shoes, why take them off as well?.. You see, this shot really begs for your attention.. Any wild assumptions out there?
Credits go to the Correio de Manha: here.
Labels: Algarve, arts versus votes, High Expectations/Bad Calculations
Am citit acelasi articol in presa de la noi si cica e roman tipul.:) M
..had no idea, in fact!
Oamenii se abtin de la a [mai] divulga astfel de detalii la stiri, prefera sa spuna doar ca "nu este de nationalitate portugheza", sau alternativ "de origine din Europa de Est" - unde 'Europa de Est' e un concept pretty wide..
Oricum, making it funnier, tipa ce lucra acolo si care a fost intervievata avea un accent destul de puternic.. "est european", cum spuneam.. :))
motivul pentru care tipul asta nu a mai reusit sa iasa
Chiriac Corin: este pentru ca nu dadea drumul la masina de spalat :)
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