Happy Traveller/ Gets Wishes Coming True
[Intro:] Looking back on the last couple of posts and more specifically their titles, I couldn't help realising the happi-fying hues all over this place; and as well good things come [at least] tripled, here's the final bit of the happy posts.
So what's this one all about?
Well, remember my rants about the last train trip I made, and the disappointment stemming from it? This time, it's all been remedied: the heat's been on throughout the trip, I was in the very inspiring company of a certain friend, and - this is really good! - the views were there and I had a camera ready and loaded!

What more could I possibly ask for? The morale, you say? - Though I did try to think that over, I can't really come up with anything better than "ranting is good" [??]. Any [other] shots?
Labels: 28 December, back to flickr, happy, Romania, travel
Great snow there :) I'm glad you enjoyed the trip :D
Great snow there :) I'm glad you enjoyed the trip :D
Awww, 10q!
I'm a huge snow-visuals-fan ;>
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