Thursday, July 11, 2002

hey y'all

nice to see that people actually get to read this from time to time. teo, i was hoping not to be unique in my p.v., but again, i will always be more optimistic than you (almost direct quote from you on that.) There is one distinction, though, between what i wrote and what you touched upon. I was talking about the influnece the environment might have on us, and - i still stick to my assertion - I don't believe the change of environment changes us, but the whole experience of life in itslef. I also think that if we were to break up as a group we would have done it home as well; and if we are not a group right now, it's not just the environment, but the choices we make that determine that. But the very fact that you feel the difference in communication, and that you do "care" is more than a proof to me that no matter how shitty our conversations might end up when we get together, we still call each other and have attempts to meet, and they sometimes actually succeed..

however, please don't get it that i don't understand or feel the change - aud glume pe care nu le inteleg, or music not always appealing to me; i try to prevent myself from telling you guys that i will be going to paris this summer, on my own money, because i'm afraid i will sound like a total show-off; i don't understand why the fuck are vlad and andrei virtually fighting over a job; i can't figure it out why marian has never written that long e-mail; i can't believe that corin hasn't said a word, sau ca andrei si vlad, desi in bucuresti, il vad pe stefan din an in paste; i have more than a year of your lives to catch up with, i have a dozen of new "friends" here, shi inca ma surprind intrebandu-ma de ce mama ciorilor mai tinem legatura? the point is that we do, and that this is why i wanted to initiate this blog. roots or not, i don't think debate is the only thing keeping us together; it is a certain type of people that we belong to, something i can't put my finger on. like when you meet someone and then you know it, you want him/her to be a part of your group.

however, given the fact that i just woke up at 4 pm after a night of Al-Pacino-buying-diamonds dreams, and i missed work today, not to mention i have one dollar in my wallet and 30 cents in my bank account till they pay me, i will appeal to a more pesimistico-realistic side: one of these days, one of us is going to get married, have a new family, be the pater / mater familias (fuck that spelling) that our dear society has always taught us to strive towards. and then, i will shut the fuck up. till that moment, andrei, i'm sorry i can't make it on time pentru regionala, but please have a drink for me; anyway, can anyone give me those dates, or - easier - tell me what debate events are there gonna be in August ?



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