Sunday, October 10, 2004

Olato the world! spuneam ca revin cu stiri, so here i am! nu prea am ce povesti senzationale povesti, traiesc, respir, cam ca noi toti, mi-e dor de voi toti si ma intreb cand ne mai reunim, sau, in alte cuvinte, cand am mai "pune-o de-o sindrofie" :p well. am un car de diferente (sic! Marean), fac numai prostii mai mari sau mai mici, nu mai gandesc de vreo cateva saptamani si ma stresez. so what's new? couldn't really say. nothing by the way it flows. everything by the contents. but that had always been likewise, hasn't it? :) va urez pe la toti bafta in toate intreprinderile in care intentionati sa va intreprindeti!

* Marean draga: m-am bucurat tare de tare sa-ti aud vociulitza (sic!) la tilifon aseara. kewl shit! hope it'll happen again, cause u're a life saviour! (more or less.... don't take me literally)

* to Andghei: ba, tu mai traesti? cum mai arati, daca? cum itz merge? :) sper ca din plin...

*Corinule: daca mai ai idei inafara de, gimme a chance a.k.a. gimme some email. danke schon!

*Alex: thanks a bunch for takin the time to post! stiu ca cateodata poate fi ingrozitor de greu sa gasesti pana si 5 minute, so that's makin it even mopre valuable when it happens...

*Luca: stiu ca nu citesti blogu'... asa ca nu prea am ce spune :p

*Vlad: la urma insa nu cele din urma. how was the movie last night? hopin to come by bucharst soon enough and to do some big time catchin up (better than durin the summer time). i'll do a little bit of an effort and so will u, but in the end everyone will be happy :) u'll see!

*all: hugs n kisses!


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