Thursday, October 04, 2007

Parks I

Upon my return to Bucharest, he challenged me to see as many parks as possible. This is the beginning.

  1. Cismigiu: Every morning, my path to work succinctly crosses this park. Story goes, it's the oldest & largest in the city centre. I tend to believe them until proven otherwise. Admittedly, prior to the winter season, Cismigiu makes my mornings slightly more enjoyable: the trees, the birds, the lake, even the 'punk' teens from the nearby high school - they all bring some type of morning-type of energy about. I prefer the morning crossings to the afternoon ones, for that matter.
  2. Izvor: Not matching my idea of a park at all; major amounts of trees are lacking, the birds are few & it generally feels too empty & wasteland-like in my view. Seen it with Alex D. on 30 Sept.
  3. Carol: It's spacious & I appreciate that. Upon my visit, jammed with kids & youngsters roller blading, cycling, skateboarding, or just strolling/running around. Quite nice. It also has a nice cafe by the water, small & somewhat intimate but nice. I had a really sweet frappe there, sipped it in no time! Seen it with Alex D. on 30 Sept.
  4. Kisselef/Kiseleff (the Romanian spelling doesn't seem to match the English one. I haven't chosen my fav yet): Though not web-ified yet, this park is definitely worth it! Amongst Alex P.'s chosen running areas in Bucharest, I only saw it in brief during nighttime and it felt ozone-ified & clean. A bit like the Dutch parks - thus stirring memories, of the good kind. I remember I used to go there quite frequently when working in the area 1,5 years ago. I hope to see it soon during daytime as well. Seen with Alex P. on 2 Oct. This is the closest image I could get (somewhere in the neighbourhood).

thought of the day: I'm starting to enjoy mornings again! (:


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