Thursday, November 26, 2009

Article of the Day: Jesus in England

Church of Scotland minister Dr Gordon Strachan makes the claim in a new film entitled And Did Those Feet.
The film examines the story of Jesus' supposed visit, which survives in the popular hymn Jerusalem.
Dr Strachan believes it is "plausible" Jesus came to England for his studies, as it was the forefront of learning 2,000 years ago.
"Coming this far wasn't in fact that far in the olden days," Dr Strachan told BBC Radio 4's The World At One. "The Romans came here at the same time and they found it quite easy."
Dr Strachan added that Jesus had "plenty of time" to do the journey, as little was known about his life before the age of 30. ...
Dr Strachan claimed Jesus Christ could have come to England to further his education.
"He needed to go around to learn to learn bits and pieces about ancient wisdom, and the druids in Britain went back hundreds if not thousands of years. He probably came here to meet the druids, to share his wisdom and gain theirs."

Full article on the BBC news: here.

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