Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Second Box Weighed 10,135kg

The first had been slightly heavier, with 12,820kg, but also larger.
Hope this time they'll make it to the destination/s without any incidents, i.e. missing items; last time, the tiny box I had sent M. was missing its raison d'etre: the necklace [and I couldn't do much more than register a complaint. The necklace was never found, nor did we receive any explanation for the 2nd layer of duct tape, of a different size and colour than the one I had used].

On a side note, I'm noticing I've been hoarding slightly less this time, but still quite a bit. And the missing 20+ kilos really don't make a visual difference on that.
One day, I'll start listing the most random of hoarded items - it'll be a delight!

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