What Do You Guys Think of This? Please provide me with feedback.
So I just read this message in my flickr Inbox and had an initial outburst of joy. Seriously. I was just writing on this very topic yesterday, wasn't I?!
Aaaaand then I looked at the image. Aaaand started to hesitate. Aaaand to somehow change my joyous state of mind.
Have I managed to confuse you entirely? :)
... Ok, ok, let's start from the beginning. The following is the message I found in my flickr Inbox:
Hi [me],So far so good. But then I clicked on the link to see which was the photo that they had chosen, and where was it from, exactly.
I am writing to let you know that one of your photos has been short-listed for inclusion in the tenth edition of our Schmap Paris Guide, to be published early February 2010.
While we offer no payment for publication, many photographers are pleased to submit their photos, as Schmap Guides give their work recognition and wide exposure, and are free of charge to readers. Photos are published at a maximum width of 150 pixels, are clearly attributed, and link to high-resolution originals at Flickr.
Our submission deadline is Friday, January 22.[..]
Best regards,
It's a shot taken at the Cluny Museum in Paris - not a bad one, but not the best either [IMHO].
This is the respective short-listed shot:

It's not a bad shot, I'll give you that.
Buuut it's not the best of the Cluny Museum Set either, me thinks.
For instance, I like the following one much better:

Or this one:

And that's why I'm hesitant.
How do you advise me? What should I do now? Should I go ahead with what I think is not the very best, or should I write back and suggest something different?
Please, Opinions :)
Labels: arts versus votes, back to flickr, happy
Go for it :) As long as they provide the link to the rest of the photos, those who are actually interested may end up seeing them anyway.
Besides, we're probably not the best judges of our own works. We're actually more biased than anybody else ;)
I think your criteria in publishing should not be "is it the best?" but rather "is it good?" or "is it good enough to represent me?"
To sum up, go for it! Best of luck!
daca tot nu esti imapacata (si vad ca nu esti:) ) le poti zice multumesc pentru, dar nu v-ar placea urmatoarea imagine, despre care eu consider ca.
si-ti vor zice da, uite nu ne gandisem, sau nu - ne intereseaza imaginea asta in mod special, dar uite ca se vor vedea si celelalte la accesarea linkului. dupa cum zicea si liviu.
Thank you both! :)
...aaand those who've given me their feedback via other media: Pidgin, Skype, Phone;
I've taken both pieces of advice: accepting AND counter-proposing. Will let you know if that leads us anywhere :)
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