Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Globalisation Etcetera

Should this not have happened to me, in front of my own eyes and as heard by my own ears, the likelihood of my believing it would have dramatically tended towards er,.. none. But that was not the case.
The case was [and still is, for that matter] that it is, in fact, possible for a twenty-something Romanian to nonchalantly peruse through a series of positions regarding globalisation, ranging from 'oh, who cares about Nelson Mandela, anyway?!' to 'truth be told, I think colonialism was a very good enterprise indeed', to 'well, what did those colonised peoples have to offer the World anyway?! they were So Uncivilised', and finally to 'well, okay, but I don't really care much about globalisation anyway, and whatever goes on outside the boundaries of my home country isn't really relevant to me at all.' [for the record: this last bit being said somewhere towards the end of our interaction]

And that, Dear Reader/s, is a shocking stance to me, particularly as it's been spoken by a relatively well-travelled youngster, who shops at Bucharest's malls from those global companies producing clothes and the likes with the 'help' of them 'So Uncivilised' nations. Feel free to correct me here. Dear Hypocrisy, blessed seems to be thy name. Right? Wrong! So wrong, Dead wrong, Nelson Mandela wrong, if I may!..
And for the love of [insert_really_important_name_or_reference_here], this was happening in a multinational company. Ahem, right there. And no one had anything to add to that. Except for the silence.

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At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Kate said...

I can totally understand why this was shocking...unfortunately, I do not think it is a singular case. What I find ironic, is that this kind of thinking belongs more to the american/russian/(imperialistic nation), so well done globalisation in exporting that to a east-European-ex-communist country...


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