recycling is easy

Recycling is easy. Easy and overlooked. I mean, people need to toss away rubbish anyway - so why not do it in an environmentally-friendly manner, then?
There's not that much of a difference so far as the effort one needs to put into it is concerned, and the advantages are multiple, from the main purpose of recycling itself to the mere consciousness of having done something right/useful on one particular day.
Still, this easily adoptable behaviour appears to present itself as problematic when it comes to a lifetime of lack of habit. Why so?
Well, I'd like to know that as well! I think the main reason rests in the terra incognita aspects of behavioural adjustments: something new is something strange and, by the same token, needs to be laughed at, mocked, and generally disconsidered.
But then again, it's so easy!I mean, it really is!
What's ironic, is that non-compliant behaviour stems from the same individuals who enjoy praising Politeness and Etiquette (in its lightest form of "Social Good Manners"). Yet I dare ask: How polite is it to disrespect the one who used to be called "Mother Earth" by former civilisations?

Alex, what needs to be done so that I can have widgets workin on the blog? any idea?
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