Saturday, November 29, 2008

theme: post-Thanksgiving reflections

10 Things To Be Thankful For This Year! [from]

  1. The Bush Era is over, we were spared a McCain sequel
  2. The US elected its first-ever African American President - Barack Obama
  3. 350,000 young people signed onto Power Vote - pledging to vote for candidates who support clean renewable energy
  4. The Green Economy is the fastest growing sector of the US economy
  5. The Iran War Resolutions were defeated - people power won over AIPAC
  6. U.S. consumers are choosing hybrids over hummers and other gas guzzlers
  7. Chevron is being brought to justice in a US law suit for human rights abuses committed in Nigeria
  8. Democrats admit NAFTA needs to be amended
  9. Green Festival has expanded to five major US cities and reaching more than 100,000 people every year
  10. GX has been a leader in the social justice movement for 20 years, and is committed to continuing the struggle for 20 more

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