Thursday, October 23, 2008

counter-intuitive & a tad ironic

Remember Jörg Haider? The guy in the photo? [image from here]
Clue: a while ago, he scratched the image of Austria amongst European friends due to certain accusations of Nazi sympathy.

Yet this is not the entire story;
from what it appears, Haider's recent death revealed a handful of 'dirty lil secrets' [sorry to be the one wrecking this bubble but it was simply too ironic to be true...]:

Haider, who voted against a parliamentary motion to lower the age of consent for homosexuals, had presented himself as a family man who drank sparingly. But after the car crash it was revealed that he had been driving at twice the speed limit, his blood alcohol level had been four times the legal limit, and he had spent his final hours in a gay bar in Klagenfurt, the capital of the southern state where he was governor.

[entire article in The Guardian].
... and such was today's lesson on strong views and retribution...



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