Sunday, December 13, 2009

Random Return Notes

1. As the big metal bird was doing its last landing manoeuvres, all lights stayed off indoors; and I could notice the real tiny flesh-and-blood bird out the window - lost in a world of big metal birds unlike itself. How does this happen? It's the first time I see lost birds on the airport.

2. The following day it snowed: it was the winter's first snow -I was told- and I appreciated the gift. I did not however appreciate the -12/-15 degrees difference between my point of departure and that of destination.

3. Perhaps an unnecessary assessment, but it happened: on this return's occasion I've come to realise that this blog's readers are not who I thought them to be. What's more, I don't know [nor can I infer] who they are, at all [with a couple of exceptions]. So, here's to spice things up: should you be reading my rantings and reviews, feel free to leave a comment on what is it that you'd like to reader further. I happen to think it's a fair deal for all. Should no comments be left, I'll continue this randomness as previously :)

Have a good Sunday, All!

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At 8:51 PM, Blogger Lili said...

I like your ranting. I'm a fan of it, actually. So, keep going! You might be on your way to a Pulitzer. Or at least some sort of bloggers' prize.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Teo said...

hehehe, you surely did make me smile xD
[given the cold/flu n all, that's a very welcome thing to do]


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