Saturday, January 16, 2010

Job Interview Question

Though this was (most likely) not the most important question on my last job interview, it was the most difficult to answer for me. So why should I care? Well, because I'm wondering whether it's a common question and, if so, how should I prepare for it.
So, amongst heaps of other stuff (can't remember 90% of them!), the interviewers (2 of them, insisting) asked:
How do your friends see you?, What do they think of you?

I stared blankly.
Then tried putting some pieces together for some sort of answer.
I was still starring blankly.
The fact is, that question caught me entirely off-guard. Of all the questions in the world, it had to be one about how others see me(!). I was baffled. Not because it was an impossibly difficult question per se, but because I had no idea about what I could possibly answer. I wasn't prepared to use my creative skills that early in the interviewing process, and I had no pre-considered answer to give.
I tried asking for details: what sort of friends?, for how long should our friendship have lasted by now?, what should their backgrounds be, in relation to me?, etc, in a desperate try to stall. C'mon brains, c'mon, Think of some answer,...
... Any answer!!...

I did mutter some random adjectives in the end, as a last minute solution, and no, they hadn't been thought out either. [Perhaps this better explains my recent fascination with M.'s post on a certain topic.]

Aaaanyway, here's what I'm wondering: Is this an usual question? Should I get better prepared for its rising its ugly head next time?
If so, what sort of answers are expected from me? Seriously. I have no idea what any of my friends think of me, so I'm not prepared to answer it that way. By this definition, who's a friend anyway? Is it only about real friends, or does it include acquaintances too? Argh, I'm lost. Ideas, anyone?

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At 2:47 AM, Blogger A Day in the Life of a Nerd said...

I cant say that i have ever gotten that question before, but if you think about it, why would someone what to know that and then again as i type this i remember i used to have a professor thats used to say, "Your Friends determine your Future..Show me your Friends and I will show you your Future!" and he was an HR Dude before teaching, so maybe it is a valid question

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Teo said...

@College_Student[s_space]: That sums up my dilemma pretty well, thanks for the comment.
Valid it seems to have been, agreed, though still slightly unclear to me as to what end.


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