And now, for something completely different: Good news!
1. From the buzz of it, I'm not the only one who thinks that the over-100.000 stray dogs currently roaming the streets of Bucharest are an issue [esp. at night time, when in packs larger than 3-4]; the city's authorities, namely its Mayors, are/ have been [recently] talking this over with an eye on suggesting legislative changes in this respect: in particular insofar as the dogs' presumed owners are concerned, particularly those who allow them to roam the streets freely at night and commiserate in their predator-style packs. Very well, thinks me, this is a laudable initiative, and I can't but hope that it might instil some [even if only remote] social responsibility at a certain level.

2. My building's manager let me know, in a more than speedy shut of the door last night, that my downstairs neighbours will be moving out, Yay! No, seriously, this is awesome news for now, and I can't but hope that it will happen asap, as in any such situation the sooner is for the better. It's only been a week since their last shouting party now, and those certainly won't be missed.
3. All contents of my wallet except for the pecuniary bits have been retrieved and are now back in my possession, starting this evening. I haven't been told how did the fortunate event get to occur but I was thrilled to understand that I will be spared a bunch of [more] time, energy and money spent on getting my driver's license done all over again. And the joy extended upon sight of a bunch of other personal valuables. The new challenge? I will, as of Wednesday, own not one, but two ID cards! Doesn't that open a new world of possibilities right there, hé?
Labels: 22 February, Id, Phun with the Authorityes, Thy Annoying Neighbour, wallet
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