Wednesday, September 11, 2002

dear kids,

yam happy to hear of both corin and luca back here - in alphabetical order, ca altfel nu shtiu cum... eu tocmai am ieshit de la ceva exam, am mai avut ieri unul shi in vreo 3 zile there's one more; i'm a bit stressed out and definitely running out of time, as usual, i guess. happy to see corin's photos. happy to hear of luca's law school issue. sleepy due to the weather outside. tired cuz of the history feeding i've been pushing inside my own body for the past one month smth. excited bout the movies i am about to see today. and very-very-veeeeeeeery into travelling.

well, sorry i gotta be briefer than the usual, as i said i'm on the run, just popped up here to say a couple of words. cius, cius la totzi and don't "politzia gandirii" get to you! - keep the spirit alive! :)


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