hey y'all
first - i took the liberty to edit corin's post, by adding the spaces.
i haven't posted in a while, though i still got to read the blog and i'm trully glad you guys went on posting; it's for this purpose that I had initially created the blog. huge congrats are in place, better late than ever; in no particular order: corin pt. ca a luat examenul, teo pt. ca a trecut de mariri si toate celea, marian pt. ca se tine de slujba, luca pt - finally - being a law school student [i hope you don't stop here, man, with both reaching your goals and posting on this blog], vlad pt. organizarea nationalei & putting up with 2 jobs, andrei pt... well...whatever i'm sure he's doing, including making a damn good job out of not posting, and me... for puttin up with my crazy schedule, i guess.
it's 1:48 a.m., i'm leaving tomorrow to Maryland for a debate tournament, and - most likely - I should be sleeping right now. it's been a hectic day, i have 3 to 4 courses each day, 2 jobs, as i got a new one midtown, debate practice Tue and Thu, and - on top of that - the stress caused by the NYU payroll department, i.e. them messing up my papers. consequence - i'm getting paid in 4 weeks as opposed to.. tomorrow. si avand in vedere ca in mare parte imi platesc si eu mancarea anul asta [NYU prices got up, but my scholarship remained the same], I will most likely be living on a lot of omlettes for the next month.
sper sa reusiti sa faceti ceva despre sediul din iasi. teo, i just didn't feel like writing. you might know why; bluntly, i just felt that i needed to get away for a while from any connection to this blog. this summer was a bit disappointing. but it's all good now, i'm back on track, i'm busy again, and there's hardly any time for a lot of personal thinking. it's also about 80% sure i'll be staying here for Christmas. dragonii din Romania nu au vizitat NYU inca, desi ma intrebam si eu ce mama ciorilor o sa faca dragonul ala minuscul pe plaiuri mioritice? I liked Minority Report till the too Spielberg-like ending; family-guy Tom Cruise character is just not my type.
that's it so far, i need to go eat something before my stomach starts eating itself, and sleep before i become too incoherent. tx all for wishes de sf. alex.
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