Lis Day 90
[running into the not-very-illegal-stay buffer]
- been at the Citizen's Shop last Monday, to get my criminal record statement sorted out; for starters, I found the idea of having a centralised office addressing any sorts of public authorities issues (and not only...) as a sign of particular efficiency, in the context of my tangled interactions with the Portuguese bureaucracy up to that point. And, the fact of the matter is, that after my 2h of queuing, half asleep, in what appeared to be an endless morning, the entire procedure took a mere 5min, which was a rather pleasant surprise;
- what was not equally pleasant was my (not so early) Saturday morning try of getting my blood test done here; caught been a lost registrar and the generally futile attendance of Mondial Assistance's operator (none of whom had any idea on the procedure to be followed with regard to the actual billing), the only reasonable thing to do was to cancel the taking of the tests until a new insurance is in place (which I need to take care of in the nearest future). The alternative? Paying some EUR 180 (roughly estimated, as the registrar mentioned several times) on the spot and waiting for the Insurer's assessment of whether they will reimburse it or not... (as I've been thrice informed during my 20min call).
- in other news: I'm sorry that Portugal didn't qualify for Euro 2008's quarter-finals, still very much relieved at the same time; that's due to what's been bothering me every since the Championship started, actually, i.e. the fact that all 4 PT tv channels bothered to air little more than the national team's supporters, the team's interviews, the fans' parties, their preparations for the matches (starting one day before the actual games),etc., etc... Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that their usual topics are generally very different from the Euro Cup's coverage efforts, yet this was getting to be too much, really, and thus getting on my nerves... on a daily basis. [there goes a sigh of guilty relief to the on-line world!]
- in other-other news: had a few days of regular film watching; the "chosen ones" have been: Lost in Translation; Basic; Identity; and Gossip. A battery of 2003's films and one made some 3 years before, out of which, interestingly, I felt the most disappointed with the one in which I had vested my highest degree of interest: the 1st one. Then again, these are rather different films essentially, even though the last 3 of them have rather intricate plots. Nonetheless, the latter did spur my interest in actually seeing them till the end, whereas LIT brought about little insight. I am, however, open to different perspectives.

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