the return trip to Lizzo

In any case, the 'Neither Here Nor There. Travels in Europe' does not lack in irony, fresh notes, and that certain sense of complicity induced by a tone of personalised confessions - I, for one, had great fun reading it! [... and an enhanced desire to travel a bit more in the near future, should the opportunity arise...]
Here's a taste of the book's outline:
Bryson doesn't mince words. Of Norwegian television, he says:
"It gives you the sensation of a coma without the worry and inconvenience."
After traveling from Brig to Geneva by train, he observes:
"Everywhere there were pylons. ... The Swiss are great ones for stringing wires. They thread them across the mountainsides for electricity and suspend them from endless rows of gibbets along every railway track and hang them like washing lines on all the city streets for the benefit of trams. It seems not to have occurred to them that there might be a more attractive way of arranging things."
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