Friday, September 20, 2002

vlad - am avut impresia (si inca o mai am) ca postul tau era cumva prea formal pentru ceea ce asteptam eu, cel putin. i mean, e ok sa aflu ce si cum in cele 5 minute libere de care dispui, yet ... nu stiu, poate fac eu prea multe nazuri. wood i ov dunn the same in alte circumstante? hard to picture.

alex - good to know ye're ok and that the goddamn yankeys let you be, after all! break a leg la the debates ye're to have soon!

corinu - good to know of your exam... desi fugitiv, mai bine si asa.

marjane - i'll get to iasi tomorrow, dupa cum ti-am povestit si in mail, deja. wool talk a.s. as i get there. promisse. and wool try to set everything in order.

andrei & stefan - hello... you alive? guess so... you busy? ... guess so... cius si voua. mmm... that's about that for now. n-am multe de zis, just hurring.

aaa! list of films i've seen during the past week. o scriu acum si aici in speranta ca vom putea povesti macar despre o parte din ele. so here, goes, chronologically:
- A Beautiful Mind;
- Windtalkers;
- Amelie (le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain);
- Harry Potter;
- Ice Age;
- Minority Report;
- eXistenZ;
- Leon (by Luc Besson, Nikita kinda thing - the ORIGINAL nikita);
- Vertical Limit (ceva cu alpinishti care mor pe capete).
atat, for now. cius to all and good luck!


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