A Lesson on How to Clean Unwanted Puddles: the Romanian Janitorial Style
If you used to think that indoor unwanted puddles may only be removed with the help of a mop and a bucket, then you're in for a surprise. And, admittedly, so was I.
First time I've seen this - a couple of weeks ago - I thought it an isolated and something of an amusing event. I smiled on the inside [or at least that's how I meant it] and walked on.
But then, to my disbelief, I've seen it again. And again. And today, again.
What's the big mystery here? - Well, being the kind and sharing soul that I am, I'll tell you what: there seems to be a different way of cleaning puddles in, say, shopping malls, than the one referred to in my first sentence on top.
What, you ask? - It's called [... I s'ppose..] something along the lines of 'brooming it around'.
How does it work? - This is the funky part: instead of a mop, one uses a broom. And no bucket whatsoever is needed. Instead of getting the water together in one single recipient, one spreads the water around, in circles the sizes of which keep growing and, at times, modifying.
But, you'll ask, doesn't that take an awful lot of time? - Well, sure. But what should the janitors spend their time doing anyway? Isn't this way better than .. well, than anything else?! It can easily take up half an hour to one or two full hours, depending on the size of the puddles and the technique of them who broom them around. So, how cool is that!?
P.S. This, so that I no longer have complaints saying that I never write of anything useful: Here it is! :D
Labels: 27 February, fun, GTD fail whale
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