seen "the insider" some 2 nights ago; featuring our all-beloved Russell Crowe (the Mr. Beautiful Mind), AL pacino and Cristopher Plummer. quite some guys, and not a bad film, for that matter. the main cultural topic was reffering to the tobacco indutry in the U.S., to be more specific, a question of morals. the psichological plot: the balance toward being a Good Citizen and Caring bout the others' well care, when compared to the own benefit and state of mind/money/family, so on, so on... se pluseaza mult, se incearca mentinerea unei intensitati destul de mari. can't get one bored, by my opinion. bottom line: i enjoyed it.
as for Beautiful Mind: too slowly paced for startes, going too speedy at half the film, dupa care se molesheshte din nou; ultima parte nici macar nu mai povesteshte despre vreo 2o de ani, in timp ce in prima parte se poveshte cu mici detalii in termeni de zile shi chiar ore. in afara de asta, cu exceptzia ineditului situatziei pentru those imaginary friends and how far can one go about that - ceea ce cred ca nu e chiar atat de exceptzional pentru nici un caz patologic de paranoia, for that matter - nu am gasit nimic special sau surprinzator. so, it got me quite dissapointed. cred ca s-a facut, in general, prea multa valva pentru filmul asta deoarece - aici explicatzia e numai una POTENTZIALA, tin sa subliniez asta - the usual american lacks imagination in some great amounts, cu exceptzia copiilor shi, poate, a teenagerilor, unii dintre ei - Alex, you're my guest to show to me how wrong i am regarding this issue, daca tu crezi ca greshesc.
that's about it for now. am auzit ca Stefan m-a sunat some 1 week ago, my dad couldn't give me any details... so, if you happen to be around, Stefan, don't hesitate to let me know ce shi cum, ok?
as for Corin: ieri - duminica, that is - te-am cautat (eu shi Marjan) prin NOrd-ESt, presupun ca nu erai fiindca n-ai putut veni cu mashina?!? anyways, we'd love to see you... eu plec in CLuj joi, so that's about it regarding the deadline. cius to all.
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