I know, Vlad; however, you replied to my post, not Andrei. don't get me wrong, I'm just teasing, it's all good. in fact I'm quite happy for shooting a good scale on my Mock LSAT, which is a mock (dah!) version of the LSAT, i.e. Law School Admission Test. in rest, I am seriously thinking about a double major in Economics, on top of my International Politics one.... but things could change by the end of this year.
oh, something unexpected happened... the Capote books I had sent to Vlad la camera de camin de anul trecut, impreuna cu pozele de la Revelionul trecut au fost returnate!!! din fericire, desi m-am mutat, gazda mea de asta vara a fost suficient de draguta sa pastreze pachetul si sa mi-l inmaneze.. motivul postei romane = "nesolicitat"... I'm thinking it got there, you guys got a slip in the mail, but never went to pick up the package.. or the slip never got there; anyway, it's good, I don't have to pay NYU for the books anymore. am sa trimit pozele din nou... hopefully this time they will get there, but I need a mailing address... one valid for at least 3-4 months from now on.
gtg cook something (:-/ .... .. and then indulge myself in watching a movie.
keep it real,