Monday, September 29, 2003

Hey everyone -

Long time no posting. I’ve barely come back to normal, after two weeks & 1/2 of crap. Short version - a day before we were supposed to sign the lease for an apartment, Christian (room-mate-to-be) had to fly back home to California: a close family member passed away. Crappy times, considering that he barely got back to school and missed out on quite a lot. Anyway, I was left without a place to stay, I couldn't get back into the NYU dorms, because we had signed out of the housing contract, and my NYU check for off-campus housing would take 2 weeks to process. So blah, I had to stay at my friend in Harlem (!!!) for 2 weeks and a half, off two suitcases, and go to school, work and start an internship at the same time. I finally found a place a week ago, but the incertitude of it all was scary as hell. Homeless in Bucharest, I might deal with. Homeless in New York, nobody fucking cares, except for the government who tracks down your address.

Oh well, things are better now, including the fact that I got my internship with Senator Clinton’s Office here in NYC. However, there’s a lot on my plate, I’m taking a shit-load of credits and doing debate (again!!)… It’s good to be back, despite the crappiest 2 weeks of my life in the past 3 years.


Saturday, September 27, 2003

bai, vaz ca nimeni nu a mai catadicsit sa mai scrie nimic acatarii. cam naspa. adica cam sux. nu stiu ce suge ce, da' nu ii vb despre asta. ii vb despre faptu ca ma asteptam sa vad cate ceva mai nou din cand in cand, si cand accesez nui nika. fukkerz! las k vedetz voi! adicatelea, io de ce sa ma strofoc si sa tot scriu aicisha, cand voi no facetz? no so ai fac nici io. niom vide sh niom vorbi whenever.... byez.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Era vorba despre cum am incerc sa-mi fac FRENDZ si cum aia au inceput sa se dea la mine in cel mai straightforward (ergo, socant) mod cu putinta, making it all crumble down. Adica, cu batut la usa mea noaptea la 2.oo si intrebat: "Hey, will you have sex with me?"... mda... despre asta era vorba...

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Colegu Tomei,

Va rog respectuos num mai ziceatz leimar, da? Leimar ie voi, nu noi! Noi nu ie leimar, da???? Daaa??? Bineeee!!!!

Colegu Bili la aparat... Bili preia rixu'... asadar, fratzii mei (io fiind Codru frate cu suedezu si cu niuiorchezu si cu romanezii, tu), creca fazele de cacat si de oftica sunt universal-valabile, adicatelea, dupa she m-am kinuit cu bilding ap trast en rileishanships, mio iau peste fatza in 2 minute?!?! adica uada fac? adica io de she nam giob? adica de she ploua totimpula-cisha? heh... fac it, men!

Colegu Bili

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

have you ever been homeless? fuck bureaucracy

Colegu Billy nu-i miserupist, doar buimac. In linii mari. Stoned, in linii mai mici. Infometat din cand in cand. Si neadaptat. Cam atat for now....