Thursday, February 26, 2015

To sleep-talk so loudly as to wake myself up

A fuddy-duddy, sometimes without the hyphen,[1] is a person who is fussy while old-fashioned, traditionalist, conformist, or conservative, sometimes almost to the point of eccentricity or geekiness. It is a slang term, mildly derogatory but sometimes affectionate too, that dates to ca. 1907[2] and can be used to describe someone with a zealous focus on order.[3]
The terms fusspot, fusser, stick-in-the-mud, spoilsport, wet blanket, old fogy/fogey, stuffed shirt [4] and fuddy-dud are synonyms of the term.[5]

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Flu: Day 3

Quite difficult to follow much, in light of the fever, but here's what I attempted:
  • The Fortune Cookie [1966, still part of the Lemmon-thon]: the film that introduced Lemmon to Matthau;
  • Boyhood, occasioned by Patricia Arquette's Oscar for the role; and
  • The battle of the 5 armies, because I missed last December, to my great disappointment.

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Monday, February 23, 2015

More log keeping

Occasioned by the flu, a Jack Lemmon marathon:

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"What about the brain?"

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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Meanwhile, in San Fransokyo

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Monday, February 02, 2015

With every return to Bucharest

There's a slight burst in my blogging activity. With time, it dies out. Not sure what brings it out in me, I'd reckon it's change, but on a similar pattern, time and again. The need to (b)log keeps things going, at least until they're back to a 'normal' scenario. Well, it's three months this time around, and I think I'm only starting to adjust now. Or maybe adjusting is simply overrated.

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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Happy 1st of February!

...'am I late to this game?'

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Friday Night

It's taken about 4 tries to be able to complete seeing this film, but we ultimately made it.

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