Tuesday, October 22, 2002

if you thought that the answer to the question: "how is LIFE?" is PEACHY, then you might want to reconsider that, cuz it's WRONG! just GODDAMN WRONG!
if you need to know the right answer, it's "SHITTY". yea, that's the RIGHT answer.

and the answer is NOT blowing in the wind. i have it right here, as a matter of fact. so, MY latest news: dupa toata balacareala cu cazarea, a urmat o balacareala si mai faina cu o pneumonie, heck, who cares bout that?!? and, finally, the HOTTEST piece of news of the day: hepatitis! now, if i'm not a happy bubble, nush cine-i!

... so, then again, i don't really give a shit bout rev, for the time being... hope you'll just understand the "WHY" of it. daca nu, vi-l explic cand ma voi simtzi mai okei. - me, angry ["pa viatza"]

Monday, October 21, 2002

well, "iubire", that was the thing. tocmai pt ca scrisesem in mesajul anterior ca nu voi putea veni de Craciun made me wonder whether that was enough for me to get out of the whole Christams/ New Year's party discussion/ nebagare de seama issue. I guess it did. It's all good.

p.s. to keep our eyes on the ball, where the f*ck is everyone else?


sa inteleg ca mesajul meu anterior ar putea fi considerat drept "nebagare in seama" sau ca mesajul in sine nu a fost bagat in seama? (not that they have to be mutually exclusive)

keep it real,

Friday, October 18, 2002

hello hello

so i got this phone deal for international calls to Romania, 10cents/min for Bucharest, cell or home phone, and 19.5 cents pt. Iasi and such. I think that's cheap, compared to what my parents would have to pay to call me over here.

in rest, the other day am avut un shoc ... Miruna (maybe Luca might recall her better?!) m-a sunat pe mobil, din Boston?!? a venit impreuna cu Brian, her boyfriend, sa viziteze familia lui (?!?) and we had lunch one of the two days she came to New York.

somehow, both Miha and Miru had something to do with Boston in the last two weeks. not to mention Miha will be coming to NYC for the Columbia debate tournament next week. now that is weird... (hint to Luca?)

anyway, i'm not gonna be home on Christmas, unless i win the lottery or something. however, i'll be able to call you guys much more. so if any of you have changed your phone numbers, other than Marian si Vlad (who have already posted their new phone #s), pls lemme know. great idea to make plans for New Year's. incercati si voi Durau and such...


Friday, October 04, 2002

hey y'all

i thought i should put a permanent link on the site for Corin's photos. if you guys have any suggestions, such as backgroud color, font, links to add, blabla, lemme now

fun fact to know and tell, tomorrow i will see luca's gfriend (ex or ... whatever) at Harvard. pray for me to be entertained.


Thursday, October 03, 2002

ash vrea shi eu sa scriu chestii happy shi optimistic azi,insa nu imi reusheshte postura prea bine. sunt numai tired... ill... destul de desperate... shi cam atat.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

povestea suna cam asha ceva: undeva sambata seara a trebuit sa renuntz la visele"de marire" shi anume la ideea de a ma putea caza in acelashi camin de anul trecut, care era cat de cat decent.so, reality said sa ma cazez unde am primit repartitzie,shi anume in ceva camin de fete only, dintr-acela cu cate 5 in camera. sweet, ha? ei,shi duminica ma duc sa ma cazez,e ok ca n-aveam la mine nici copia dupa certificatul de nashtere shi nici cea dupa buletin, nu e ok ca n-am adeverintza de copil de cadra didactica - my mu, that is.ma cert destul demult cu administratoarea, but after that i just have toleave shi atat. re-incerc luni, cu toate hartiile,plus un fax de la my mum, trimis in cea mai mare urjentza. tanti administratoarea zice ca nu e okei, ma trimite la serviciul social pentru aprobare de la "shefi" cu privire la faxul cu pricina.ajung unde trebuie, nu e nici un shef, mi se spune "come back tomorrow". azi ma trezesc dis de dimineatsa, la 6.oo, la 7.oo sunt la shefii serviciului social, imi dau aprobarea fara nici o retzinere sau intrebare, ma duc, tanti administratoarea gata sa-mi zica ca n-are camera. fac o observatzie despre nishte gagici de la mine de la school care mi-au rezervat o camera, shi-shi aminteshte ca "a, daaa.... cred ca ai dreptate....". concluzia: in seara asta zugravim! :) cu portocaliu, ca am camera pe coltz shi de frig de mori,plus ca it's heading towards west. tre sa schimbam shi yalele shi priza shi inca alte chestii,but at least nu voi dormi pe strada!!!

so, cam astea sunt aventurile mele recently. in rest, incerc sa aflu pe unde-s profii, ce orare ciudate mai am... aseara am fost la "road to perdition". it dissapointed me, deshi am plecat din start cu toata bunavointza. mi s-a parut way to predictable! all of it! shi cam atat...

bafta tutror celor care au nevoie de ea! hugs and all, Teo