Friday, August 29, 2003

Well, Andrei, I guess that's life, cum era reclama aia? 'dulce pe dinafara, dura pe dinauntru', sau asa ceva... I'm sorry we haven't met, too, but I can't move back in time and change it all. Never could, either.

Do write first impressions, it would be nice, I think.

Monday, August 25, 2003

TEO: Pe scurt, cuz I gtg to work. Will answer all the other stuff in a couple of days. About the school deadline, most universities have late registration fees which should apply sometime within 24hrs after the deadline. NYU's is $25; the Utrecht one might be less, but they should definitely let you register. Hell, they might not make you pay, esp. given that Friday was the last business day and Sat and Sunday shouldn't count over the deadline. So don't worry.


ALEX: Sorry for being such a bitch and missing the deadline on Sat... but, in case it makes you feel any better, I've been constantly missing deadlines lately, and definitely not to my own favour. cel mai rasunator e cel de vineri, despre care uitasem (it's just a matter of speech, sayin that I had forgotten... adevarul e ceva mai taios de atat...) ca e deadline for the registration to courses at Utrecht... Am scris un mail asking for pardon abia aseara... insa no answer up to now.

cam atat for now, gotta get to the dentist's a.s.a.p. cius.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Aveam doar asa, o singurica-solitara intrebare mai mare, la chestia cu re-re-re-evaluarile; feels odd, mai ales pentru ca, in ceea ce ma priveste, atunci cand sunt "la sanul familiei" mele, ajung parca sa nu mai gandesc deloc, adica imi piere acea bruma de rezonabilitate pe care o am in mod obisnuit, and I just can't seem to be able to do anything else any more, than blindly opposing (inside myself) whatever action they're coming up with.... and that's not helping me and most definitely and obviously it ain't helping them either... so, it feels strange for Alex to come and speak of how things got so much clearer now, when I feel just the other way around. What's the main difference, this is what I don't get... furthermore, I'd like you to tell me in ce anume rezida clarificarile despre care ai povestit in postu' anterior... if possible and IF you don't mind/it's not a problem.

cius and all my best!

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Ma bate un gand sa schimb tematica blogului, at least from my own perspective. I'm thinking... something more online-journal-like [with the caveat of being public at the same time, of course.] Those of you who DO read the site from time to time might only get these lines close to / long after I will have left back to NYC.

So, to start with, I'm sick of doing NOTHING, believe it or not. I thought I wanted a vacation. Home has become unmercifully cozy - though I've only been back for a couple of days. I miss wanting to get back here, though actually being home triggers little personal comfort. Au contraire. It's not my friends, maybe not even my family. It's my waking up every morning and not knowing where I am - AGAIN. Or thinking that I should be in a different place and not understanding why it takes me so long to figure out the features of my own room.

I'm just not sure what homesick means anymore. However - definite benefit of being here: a more lucid perspective on a rather blurry future career/job/money-making device. And a clearer view on what I want and don't want, care and don't care about. So yey! for reevaluations.

Friday, August 01, 2003

back in Iasi since Wednesday. I also have a new cell #, should you care -> 0723-151528. c u around...