Friday, May 31, 2002

ei bine, nu cred ca poate sa fie chiar atat de rau pe cat pare sa traieshti in a wolrd where straightness has taken a break. might feel good, for a change? nu shtiu ce sa zic, shi eu am zile cand in cluj, pentru o ora sau doua, aud numai limbi straine prin jurul meu, hungarian, german, french, english, spanish, italian... i guess they call it "cosmopolitan"? :)

acu fug la biblioteca.

did you guys see the alien song? (impresii?)

hey y'all!

so... just a few words on my current mood: i feel WHITE. I live in this neighborhood for the summer that makes me so conscious of my race. black kids (not all of them came from Africa, so no point calling them African American, some even get offended b/c of it); Hispanics, some even look white, but they are NOT. and the way they dress, the way i walk, the way they talk, the way i even ask for food in the grocery store makes me feel so unwelcome. but then ...i'm only here for the summer; and it's not as bad as the Lower East side. i was there today to tutor that kid. China Town meets Polish immigrants who couldn't get a decent job; it smells like fried shrimp and there are stone dogs in front of people's doors. but then some New Yorkers (should i say..white?) cry over the last piece of the WTC that's about to be removed, and they even cheer for the Hispanics on the Puerto Rican parade day.. but only then. ..and two girls holding hands looked so happy kissing in the park; i think Manhattan killed all the straight people. Yey! to diversity.

gotta go eat

Thursday, May 30, 2002

ce mama masii, fratzilor, da' totzi baietzii sufera de foame sau sunt ratardatzei de la mama natura? :).. linku' e acolo, la locul lui, asa cum zice si teo...

ma bucur sa mai aud si de tine, marianeeeeee, asteptam si eu e-mailu' al luuung :)
in rest, i am done with a paper i wrote for some money on.... euthanasia!!! amazing, isn't it?

am pus si eu o intrebare mai inainte, who's gonna be in Iasi in August?

BAFTA mare la examene, break a leg si de-alea
i'll write more soon, i really gotta go back to work

dear Marjan, linku respectiv se afla in partea din dreapta sus a site-ului, scrie pe el "alex`s photos (more to come)"... why did ye do so bad on your exam? and how your trip to bucharestus? and when did you come back?

Monday, May 27, 2002

ca tot veni vorba big time de organizare, de data asta am sa aleg ordinea in intregime aleatorie :p ...

American His. X: i was pretty much impressed, macar de production de la filmul asta, parerea mea este ca nu orice film/carte/song trebuie judecat(a) numai in raport cu mesajul transmis, ci cred ca mai este ceva in spatele ideii asteia, ceva care se keama realizare artistica pe scurt; shi din punctul meu de vedere, la capitolul privind ambalajul lui American H. X. (which i shall refer to as A.H.X. from now on), mie mi-a placut; mi s-a parut cumva abrupt, insa digerabil. am vazut filmul de doua ori shi nu regret acest fapt. din punctul meu de vedere, a contat mult faptul k s-a incercat intruziunea, cat shi explicarea din interorul unui punct de vedere blamat la nivel principial de catre a noastra societate contemporana, insa blam pentru care in general nu se dadeau explicatzii. and i appreciated that a lot. nu cred ca, pentru a fi reushit, filmul ar fi trebuit neaparat sa se lipseasca de mesajul moralizator, faptul k l-a contzinut a fost pur shi simplu o RE-precizare a paradigmei americane, de care ar fi trebuit sa tzinem cont oricum. deci, in concluzie, filmu` asta cred ca a fost okei asha cum a fost, indeosebi prin plusurile lui, insa shi prin faptul k minusurile ii erau cumva evidente, deci ushor de depistat, deci non-problematice... daca avetzi cometarii ulterioare la A.H.X., please don't hesitate to reply to what i've just written down here! :)

andrei: the hit from reality, cel aparut odata cu ideea de Cluj in ceea ce ma priveshte nu se referea atat la mizeria Clujului sau la kestiuni in general obiective care ar tzine de orash, ci mai degraba la Cluj privit prin prisma definitziei: "orash care nu este ACASA, unde nu aveam friends atunci cand am ajuns, a totally new thing, insa nu relaxant". deci nu era vorba despre un aspect care sa poata fi comparat, sa spunem, cu ceea ce Bucureshtiul ar fi pentru mine, era pur shi simplu acel aspect determinant care pe mine m-a adus la reality checks puternice, tocmai din cauza subiectivizarilor mele... cat despre ideea generala a "orashelor de adoptzie", sau mai corect spus, a "orashelor de exil ales", nu cred ca este vorba despre fiecare re-intoarcere la "sanul" lor in parte, ci mai degraba - in cazul meu, cel putzin - despre impresia initziala, despre modul in care ea ar fi putut sa evolueze sau nu, shi despre capacitatea proprie de 'setting objectives and acting accordingly to them'. e mai degraba vorba despre capacitatea fiecaruia de a shti sa construiasca, de a nu se lasa intimidat shi chestii dintr-astea. in fine, poate ca in acest domeniu reactziile noastre sunt intr-adevar diferite, poate ca va vorbesc limbi straine shi nu prea shtitzi ce sa credetzi... daca e cazul de asha ceva, just mention it to me, and i'll try further explanations.

capitolu` frustrari: nu shtiu daca solutzia e neaparat aceea de a creshte mare, de fapt parerea mea merge fix in contra acestei idei, mai precis consider ca growin-upnu face decat sa formeze o baza de prejudice care sa lucreze cumva asupra frustrarilor. chestie cu care nu sunt de acord. cand vorbesc despre baza aia de prejudice, ma refer la 'idei fixe', care au aparut tocmai ca shi urmare a unui approach incorect privind frustrarile, shi care ajung sa le elimine pe acestea numai prin existentza lor, ce este - parerea mea - negativa in esentza ei. (pe scurt: building up prejudice to eliminate frustrations is wrong). raman cumva la ideea mai veke de simply taking tthings one at a time and trying to deal with them this way. ceea ce, e adevarat, nu are menirea de a construi o structura specifica, insa my main argument este acela ca structurile specifice de dealing with frustrations sunt wrong. ashtept sugestii/comentarii... :pp

tot andrei: n-am intzeles faza cu "iubim cu prietenie pentru ca, dar iubim cu dragoste cu toate ca...."... would you please be so kind as to set the explanatory stage for that? thanks in advance...

well, cam atat for now, tre sa ma car sa imi rpintez referatul pe care l-am scris last night, after whish comes school, maine the final exam on french. i'll get back a.s.a.p. (from MY point of view, 'fcorse :p) .

a, shi inca ceva! alex: nice touch bout the photos link! :p thanks for havin come to the rescue of MY butt!

bafta shi spor "tutulol"!!! - Teo

yey, everyone

so i thought u were dead or something... se pare ca nu...
andrei, yes, American History X was pretty much predictable and the message was quite obvious; but that doesn't make it less disturbing...
and YES, si tu si vlad sunteti ratardatzei sin infometatzi daca nu vedetzi linkul din dreapta sus, care spune "alex's photos (more to come...)"... just CLICK the dam' link, and then you will be taken to my yahoo photo album; there, just click "My album"... i will scan more soon.

iaca this week-end is the Memorial Day week-end (maine = Memorial day = remember all American soldiers who died in wars...); and i get to RELAX, as in do NOTHING; no work, no anything; while every other person tries out some BBQ in the garden, or sing along some patriotic songs, i got to watch "Shadow of the Vampire"... and slept 15 out of 24 hours's like i haven't slept in ages (oh, oops, i really have NOT slept in ages...)

and the best part is that this Sat i went to a Romanian restaurant in Queens, cu o romanca, are 20 de ani, e din Bacau, dar a venit in US cand avea 9 ani.. and her mom paid for our dinner :)... fratzilor, am mancat sarmale si mititei ca si cum ar fi fost my last day of eating ANYTHING ever... si besides the fact that i am off meal plans at school and i kind of live on omlete si de alea... chiar imi era dor... oh well

inca ceva, i added this feature to the blog, the "comments" one; if you guys have a direct comment on a post, just click the "no comments so far" link... and add one. mai ales daca the comment is not nec. something that we are all interested in; in ceea ce priveste intrebarea lui andrei... i sent invitations to (no spec. order): andrei, teo, marian, vlad, stefan & corin; with me, that is 7, dar corin hasn't signed up yet; stefan has signed up, but no post so far. it's a free [web]country though. the thing is that the blog is PUBLIC, as in everybody can see it. that was my choice; if you guys wanna make it PRIVATE, pls let me know. as long as people don't know about the site location, it's all good. not that i would have a prob....

gtg finish this translation into spanish; i might actually get paid this time.


Friday, May 24, 2002

a quick note about posting links (if you really love me and don't want me to edit your posts over again :) ; if you want to make them clickable, just use this:

[a href="your site"] your site [/A]

BUT replacing ALL the square brackets with < and > again.... E.g. "your site" = "".... the second your site doesn't have to be the link again... you can just name it ... cool site.. or whatever; that second part is for you to give your link a name; if you don't want to, just paste the link again...

i gtg to work, and then maybe go out celebrate the Fri night...though i'm rather broke and i need to pay a computer loan; but i'll find something.
who is going to be in Iasi in August?


that's true, ieri am vazut pozele alea iar azi nu mai erau... hai sa va arat ce site am descoperit eu azi:

i hope you'll enjoy it. eu ma pregatesc sa ma duc sa pack, sa get some books from the library and then hit for home. cat despre postul meu de ieri, nu prea shtiu cum sa-l explic de-o maniera mai okei... i'll think about it, okei? a... shi inca ceva ce mi s-a parut nice! :)

and here are the Palestinians crashed by angry Israelis... mea culpa for having edited this before under "Israelis crashed by angry Palestinians" ... in case you were wondering whether this photo-of-the-day thing works :

nighty night

so now you can access my egocentric photo album on yahoo...:p i will try and scan more photos from this New Year's.. no photo w/ Teo, Corin sau Stefan, though [mi-am lasat restul albumelor acasa :( ...] so, teo (or anybody), if you wanna post photos up, just open an account on, add the pictures to your album (gif format rec.), click the "public"/ "for everyone" option, and then post up the link on if you don't wanna do that, just send them to me, and i'll add them to my album, under the same link; in order to do it yourself, you need my password.

if you find a photo on any site (as in.. i don't know... picture of the day or something, Israelis crashed by angry Palestinians from - or a public page that normally lets you link their photos to - or whatever...), just include the photo in your post in the edit section, wherever you want, with the following:

[img src=""] BUT REPLACE the square brackets with < ...content... > as in [ = < , and ] = > ; i guess it's obvious that the content of ".........blabla...." is going to be the link /URL of that photo ... i hope it's not too confusing; posting photos on blogspot can be a bitch

c u

Thursday, May 23, 2002 faza cu pozele... pe se pot posta pictures only as URL, i.e. i can't upload a picture from my computer, i need to have had uploaded it before, on a different site, de preferintza my personal one. probema e ca in order to have a website, one needs to create, to get some space. but the era of "free web space" is kind of getting to an end (e.g. a lot of companies, such as AOL, American greetings, even are NOT free anymore)... which makes it REALLY hard to find some space.. and let's say i do get to create a web page... the space i have on does not allow me to share my pictures as links on other sites (boo)... and very few other sites allow this feature... some do it for a day, and change the option on the next day... it appears that the present site where i uploaded the photos on does that.. which means i need to update the freakin' pictures every day... that's why teo could see them and vlad could not.. sorry for that. i am working on my website, i might be able to figure something out.. till then, i will just post the photos on yahoo, and i'll put a link up...

teo please make me uderstand what you were writing (it's either me, dar nu pot sa descifrez your last post... :(
gtg to work

keep it real

azi am inceput sa am ceva revelatzii bout the stressing existence in ceea ce ma priveshte, fara factori specifici care sa fi declanshat respectiva reactzie revelatoare or smth... oricum, am ajuns la concluzia k, in masura in care INCA mai sper ca unele kestii pot fi rezolvate, atunci mai intotdeauna ajung sa ma stressez shi sa ma panikkez pe faza asta, iar in momentele cand nu mai am de mancat stress, inseamna k am cam renuntzat shi ca am ajuns sa consider lucrurile pretty much lost shi de nerecuperat.... sa insemne kestia asta k sunt fie doomed sa mor peste vreo 4 ani, in urma cantitatzilor monstruoase de stres - asta pentru cazul in care i keep up optimism - sau ca nu voi rezista nici atat - asta in cazul de pesimistic perpetuation of the view-points upon different stuff?!? :) ... oricum, abordarea mi s-a parut funny...

well, me for one thing can see a couple of photos, this time, mai precis una cu tine, alex, shi cu andrei, in coltzul dreapta sus shi una cu tine in coltzul stanga jos... daca sunt mai multe, please lemme know unde sa ma uit dupa ele, ok? by the way, care fusese problema administrativa a propos de those photos care NU se vedea la prima incercare? shi tot btw, noi cum putem posta, la randul nostru, poze, daca avem asha ceva shi scanner and all that...?!?

can you guys see the pictures? i have some more to post, but i have to be sure this works

pls lemme know.. :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 niste chestii administrative; PLEASE, if anyone decides to give this site address to anyone else BUT the mighty 7, let US now;

inca ma straduiesc sa postez pozele alea k lumea; i'll see what i can manage today;

tschuss :)

heya natziune

teo -
politopia test is there for you to take it (you = you guys), to see how much of a libertarian you are; for some reason, mi s-a nazarit mie ca debaterii in general tind towards Libertaria; not that the government should vanish or anything (<- hidden grin); i'm more than open towards a discussion on this (private or not); my major argument against the whole libretarian story would be that the market will NOT solve (well, maybe except US :p );

in rest... YES, that WAS the most alambicat post i've ever seen, TEO;

in ceea ce priveste datul cu capul de pragul shtii-tu-care - yes, i've been having cucuie since last fall or so (<- most pathetic romenglish ever)... and - f*ck! - it hurts; PANIC is THERE; i still wake up in the morning, go to work, come back, eat, read, and go to sleep, feeling like a stupid machine; and at the same time i see all this "from a distance"; solution? wait, at least for me; once i actually get to accomplish some rahatzel (yes, you read well), THEN i stop feeling that panic, till the next problem comes around; last night (instead of sleeping, like a good member of the full-time working force...) i watched "American History X"; somewhere on the same track with NBK; same "stop-smoking-and-forget-about-your-cig" type of reaction; main quote i remember? - "i am tired of being pissed off". should you ever get a chance to see it , i'm waiting for impressions; it's not a new movie. anyhow, bottom line - i just keep going on, on 3, 4 coffees, 3 f*cking finals on the sam day, shit like that. [also, i propose a resolution to admonish alex for using offending language in a much too loose manner; all in favor - say "ney"; all opposed - say "i"]

so...i'd better go eat or something, till i don't top teo's incoherent message cu unul si mai alambicat

andrei, welcome; ce mama ciorilor inseamna "goanga"... tu stii si eu nu stiu; great for you; should i feel stupid or anything?

corinu' nu a raspuns invitatiei inca, he might not have accessed his e-mail. luca .....oh, luca... he did sign up and if LUCA GETS TO READ THIS, he'd better say "hi", "high", "f*ck" si de-alea; i need to know whether he is still alive, human or just ARDOR creature (a se citi non-human debater);

oh well... really gotta run now and be coherent again, enough to ask for some food and a coffee;

somewhat running on insomnia,

if i think of it twice...

cred ca am mai depistuit vreo 2 kestii care ar merita zise:
1 - ma refer la aranjatul de topicuri separate pentru kestiuni care ar merita discutate mai pe larg, k sa nu facem varza in toate cele shi intr-un final apoteotic sa nu mai percepem nimic din ele... how about it? daca votu` zice k da, poci kiar eu sa ma ocupesc de asta, atata vreme cat votam despre CE am vrea sa postam, in materie de interese...
2 - ar fi vorba k creca am dat peste ceva reality check major cand am picat din mar in par, dupa aia in lac shi in final in Cluj... mai precis de atat, creca am simtzit ca dau cu capu` de zidu` ala de il numeshte lumea normala "reality" intr-un hal mai najpet, ceea ce hurts, insa mai mult decat atat, ceea ce got me all stressed out, panikked and all that. anyone sharing experientze similare? ... or having shared and found a solution?.... eu cam ashtept cam tare raspunsul la faza asta, asha k don`t hesitate, pipal!

still `Eo

btw, alecs, ce e cu faza aia cu "Politopia test"??? ajtept ceva explanashonsuri la faza asta, pliz.

bah, kids, io cam mananc la stres in draci zilele astea ca am inceput din nou sa dau pe la school, in afara de asta imi dau seama ca m-am cam secat de faza ca de ceva vreme mai toate week-end-urile mi se duc pe apa sambetei; la faza cu corinu`, nush ce sa zic, decat ca sa mai tragi tu al` de ejti in Iashi acol` langa el aka Mariane, de el, k noi ailaltzi nu prea avem ce sa-i facem...

topicu meu frustrant din ziua de azi, 21 mai 2002 este ala care zice k ma oftic - din nou!!! - k ziua are numa 24 de ore, k noaptea dureaza inca shi mai putzin, fiindca tre sa o tot dorm, toata ziua-buna-ziua, sau mai bine zis, toata-noaptea-buna-noaptea, shi k in afara de asta cateodata mai tre sa mai shi mananc, sa ma deplasez de colo pana colo and all that.

in fine, k sa trec la a doua frustrare, care ma tzine de ceva mai multa vreme insa pe care abia in week-endul Sibian am reushit sa o depistez, aia se refera mai degraba la having lost the thrill of the things... acu, astea doua ajung sa se cam compenseze cumva, in sensu` in care tot stressu` de-l mananc in legatura cu una sau cu alta ajunge sa ma determine sa nu ma mai gandesc la cat poate sa fie de thrilling, cu timpul liber insa shi cu perioadele cand raman sa ma mai kiombesc pe la mine pe dinauntru e mai nasol, k atuncia kiar duare!

una-alta, faza cu "najpa... aiurea... cam nasol" e tot din clipu` ala cu goanga, pay more attention to it next time and ye'll get it figured out! - ma refer la faza asta, nu la clip... cat despre clip in sine, avea corinu` ceva teorii, eu n-am ajuns sa le aud efectiv, mai degraba pur shi simplu mi-a zis marian de existentza lor, poate el e mai capabil in ezplicatzii decat mine la faza asta, sau poate se va prezenta chiar corinu` in persoana sa ne "ilumiNneze"...

sorry k tre sa plec peste week-end, n-am intzeles de la vlad daca vrea sa i-l dau pe luci sau nu, pana la urma... :pp ... asha incat ashtept explicatzii ulterioare in sensul asta. creca am reushit sa fac din postul asta unul dintre cele mai indescifrabile cu putintza, in sensul de personal, but hey, va lamuritzi voi despre ce shi cum, i betcha!

so, guys, daca tot am ajuns la subiectul asta, voi avetzi vreun soi de frustrari asemanatoare alor mele? ... ashtept listele shi listutzele corespunzatoare, respectiv comentariile de rigoare. cam atat pen`tr az`, la mai mare!

cius, Teo

Saturday, May 18, 2002

heya, y'all.... glad to see you here teo... scuze for not actually writing an e-mail... i will try more.
i'm just done w/ work, and i can hardly wait to go home and just do NOTHING. fridays suck and are great at the same time. pt prima data in a loooong time i get to sleep tomorrow morning. faza secanta e ca once i get home i have to socialize intr-o spaniola/dominicana cu gazda mea. cute human being, de altfel, 50sh... i really simpathize w/ her brother in the Dominican Rep., he has a heart ache and whatever, dar - mama ciorilor - why do i need to hear and know that? and mostly... why at the end of the day?

oh well, in rest, i am going to a party tomorrow, in Brooklyn, some French guy is celebrating his graduation... it could be fun, but it's too far for me to drink a lot (i really need to get home)... as for teo's idea, i am totally pro books & music suggestions (look, teo, i vote, to also really emphasize the crazy speed of my train to Libretaria :); i must admit that i have been reading far too many books on war, peace, strategy, world order, as well as Islam, Iranian / Persian revolution and Muslim Spain. school does take over sometimes, you know... so on the top of my list for the last month or so, i would put "Causes of War", by Geoffrey Blainey and "Mantle of the Prophet", by Roy Mottahedeh (last one - great compilation of Persian history since Zoroastrianism untill 20th C). I am also starting up on some Tolkien this summer, good old constitutional law, and Carl Sagan's "Contact". that would be the short version. (finally got to catch up on Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and Alain Fournier's "Le Grand Meaulnes" [ <----- hehe, stupid English translation = "The Lost Domain" ], the latter being a sappy-but-entertaining book for grown-up kids i should have finished ages ago.) ...and "Yey!" to Milton's sweet "Paradise Lost"...

that's all for now, music another time, i need to go home and see how i can connect to the Internet from there.. might go to the movies tonight...


Friday, May 17, 2002

aaa... inca ceva! for any HELP regarding the site, am gasit urmatorul link pe care vi-l pastez aici, care e folositor in orice fel de need-uri de a modifica usernameul, password, personal profile and stuff like that. so, the link is: ; va trebuie numai vreo 2 minute k sa va orientatzi in meniu, in rest totul vine de la sine, cu putzina atentzie! :) - bafta la postat!

aha, deci tocmai am aflat k vine shi Vlad la Sibiu, that means it's gonna be some 3 of us over there... in ceea ce priveshte detaliile tehnice, la mine spre exemplu nu se prea vad pictures, poate din cauza faptului k intru din cafe, nu shtiu exact care ar fi motivul... poate k am pur shi simplu o conexiune mult prea slaba, in fine, asta nu inseamna k sa nu punetzi poze whomever poate sa le vada, respectiv sa le posteze. shi daca tot am ajuns la discutarea topicurilor despre audio-vizual (sper sa nu va inebunesc de cap cu tot ce scriu eu p-acilea, anyway), mai precis la ideea de topic, i have some questions regarding topicurile pe care peopleshii le-ar vrea discutate, as in US, ash incepe cu ceva sugestii la nivel de music shi nu neaparat debates - asta daca n-are cineva ceva impotriva - books, other people de i-am cunoscut noi pe unde ne-am mai preumblat shi alte kestiuni similare. ma ashtept la un soi de vot in urma propunerilor mele... cred ca asta e cam tot pe ziua de azi, poate va mai povestesc cate ceva despre versiunea mea asupra modului in care a decurs week-endul. well, cius for now! - still ME!

yea, good idea, i just hope it'll work; anyway, avand in vedere ca abia acum ajung shi eu sa scriu pt prima oara, am o mentiune de facut: a propos de intrarea pe site, cred ca e mult mai simplu - cel putin eu asha am procedat, fara sa shtiu de metoda lui Alex - in modul urmator: se intra pe, se introduce username shi pass, se da click pe "keep it real!" and here we are! acum, k tot am ajuns la denumire... it's somewhat fun for me sa se numeasca tocmai "keep it real!", mai ales k azi dis-de-dimineatsa, terminand ceva carte a lui Saramago, mai precis "Toate numele", am ajuns la concluzia k paperul meu final la Modele Culturale Comparate va fi ceva pe tema "necesitatea povestirii istoriei", explicata prin nishte teze mai mult sau mai putzin sustzinute shi de catre altzii inaintea mea, conform unei necesitatzi intrinsece umane a explicarii prin fictziune, a necesitatzii de imaginar shi de sacralizare... in fine, era just the need for imagination, more or less, pe care tind sa o emphasize as much as possible each and every time cand dau peste ea.

ca sa trec la un alt topic, ca de obicei eu sunt in viteza a shapte mia, mai precis k acum tre sa dau de Stefan k sa vedem ce shi cum facem in legatura cu ceva mers la Sibiu over the week-end, in legatura cu ceva training de parly, now we're just trying to get to each other on some chat... so, i'll pretty much end my 1st message here, posibil sa revin soon, kiar azi, dupa ce termin de talk-uit cu Stefan. see ye's! :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at least one of you got to write something...
to log in, go to "" and press the "log in and post" link, on the top of the page. that will take you to the "sign in" main site...
intrebare: can you guys see the pictures?
also, let me me know whether you want things posted, such as pictures (scan some if you want & can), links you wanna see, tests, change of e-mail, bla bla...

in rest, i just moved in yesterday, to a room in the East's quite far, but walkable; i had 12 boxes!!!! i have no clue where all that stuff came from. 4 of them have books i wish i still had time to read...instead i must strive w/ game theory (anyone seen "A Beautiful Mind?"); i started working 40 h/ week, and now i must go tutor a kid who can't even spell her own name.. but her ma' has enough money to pay me ...

p.s. to post, just click "post and publish" on the top right corner of the page. ...also, i know vlad mentioned sth abt roxana and petrica, but i never sent them an invitation; my mistake ...or not; still debating abt it. i don't know, but for some reason i limited the present site to teo, corin, stefan, marian, vlad & andrei.


Saturday, May 11, 2002

hello, natziune!

iaca m-am trezit intr-o buna zi cu ideea ca we SHOULD keep in touch.

cine suntem "we"? retzeta ar fi: Iasi + debate + cunostintze de genul: care e tutunul de pipa preferat al lui Corin, cui ii apartine citatul cu balena si zicala "oops", etc. ... [se poate alcatui si un test eventual, desi i might fail the part about the past 1 year or so :p ]
printre bucati de e-mailuri, zile intregi de nesomn, partiale, examene finale, sesiune interminabila, sau pur si simplu lipsa de timp, de chef (da... chiar si de chef!) mi-am dat seama ca nu prea am reusit sa tinem legatura unii cu altii.. si poate un jurnal public (as in.. "cerc restrans, dar nu dialog 1 to 1") might be just what we need...

so go for it...i'll try to post things up whenever i get to... feel free to read and just don't post... oricum, i hope this works.

la o ora imposibila, dupa multe examene finale, running on 2 coffees, hyper & missing you a lot,
