Tuesday, August 20, 2002

bai, gata, incep sa ma oftic. the truth is ca nu mai am nevoie de certuri de toate felurile si alte prostii similare. nu cred ca are sens sa ne agatam de nimic cu dintii sau sa credem ca asa ceva ar putea sa tina for good (ma refer la agatatul cu dintii). so, ca sa o ma indrept spre aleile mirifice ale constructivismului, should we still have stuff to do together and things to say to each other, i hope we'll act consequently. in case the answer's NO, then so be it. mie mi-a trecut cheful de sadnessuri cae deriva din hopes nejustificate si altele similare, asa incat n-am de gand sa mai inghit chestii dintr-astea.

in alta ordine de idei, thanks for not coming over last week-end. cu ocazia asta m-am mai lamurit si eu (si nu numai) cu privire la ceea ce semnifica termenul de "prioritati". e bine sa inveti, life's a perpetual learning process, right?

sa fiti sanatosi! bafta la ce va trebuie, cand aveti chef mai postati... eu acum am treaba. va dau un semn cand imi fac ceva timp liber. bye!

a, era sa uit sa ma semnez... in case you forgot who i am, Teo.

Friday, August 16, 2002

avand in vedere ultimul post, we think roses are red, violets are pink, flowers smell good, but you surely s****

p.s. i'm sure teo would subscribe, should she be here
p.p.s. don't worry, be happy


Marian &

Sunday, August 11, 2002


glad to hear from u guys. cica eu stau in Iasi pana pe 21 August cel tarziu. L-am vazut pe Corin vineri, dar cam atat... sper sa ne intalnim, intr-adevar, cu totzii, week-endul urmator, it's gonna be my last one here anyway. de asemenea, nu cred ca ma intorc de Craciun. that's just the way things are. so give me a call, any of you, whenever you come back. marian, poate iesim la o bere marti. cat despre receptorul meu, i never trully knew about that aweful sound. vlad, no problem about that; it would have been worse, had I not known you for more than a week. stefan, if you get to read this, poate itzi tzii promisiunea de a veni in Iasi :)

va pup


glad to hear from u guys. cica eu stau in Iasi pana pe 21 August cel tarziu. L-am vazut pe Corin vineri, dar cam atat... sper sa ne intalnim, intr-adevar, cu totzii, week-endul urmator, it's gonna be my last one here anyway. de asemenea, nu cred ca ma intorc de Craciun. that's just the way things are. so give me a call, any of you, whenever you come back. marian, poate iesim la o bere marti. cat despre receptorul meu, i never trully knew about that aweful sound. vlad, no problem about that; it would have been worse, had I not known you for more than a week. stefan, if you get to read this, poate itzi tzii promisiunea de a veni in Iasi :)

va pup

Monday, August 05, 2002

HAPPY BDAY, Marian! i'm getting home soon, on the 7th, I will drink with you then. i'm on my way to Munchen now. gtg catch a train.


Thursday, August 01, 2002

greetings from Scotland, lads! I'm in Edinburgh right now, i just got here after a 7 hour train ride from London. Just wanted to say hi, and that I'm running a day behind on my schedule, so i'll be home on the 9th most likely.

i also do hope you get to write some more.
