Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lizzo Day 154

  • preparing for the 2nd week of B.'s holidays by doing a bit of weekend work at home at the time (still re-arranging info for the Control Systems study);
  • didn't watch much of the year's Olympics but did get impressed with the striking fact that the 4 Romanian gold medalists have all been women [RO listed as 17th in the overall medal standings] - Yay for that!;
  • happily managed to negotiate my parents' upcoming visit to PT for 5-15.09;
  • recently started the countdown to the final presentation of my current traineeship: 22 days to go [a bit over 500h];
  • had a few laughs over Hitman - the film [yes, I was into the computer game ... somewhat];
  • I believe I might be looking forward to a bit of holidays myself, as well.
...and that's a picture of one of cousin Tiago's balcony plants :) [yes, it's real!]

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stefan's joined Twitter!
I'm trying to get him to re-join the blog, as well. any hints for incentives?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

photography & sustainable development

Mr. Yann Arthus-Bertrand - (French photographer and) author of the "Earth from Above" exhibition - gets involved with the concept of sustainable development by chairing and by addressing schoolchildren as one of the main audiences.

In my opinion, there's quite a bit of added value to flicking through the outcomes, even if only as a set of visual stimulants. Enjoy!

[copyright here]

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

IKEA Recipe: How to Deal with Law School Stress

First off, assemble an IKEA Ramberg wardrobe in less than 4 hours without any extraneous help. Once you're done, your next brief will feel like a blessing and you will look forward to lengthy breach of warranty reading assignments since they won't involve screwing in any bloody Swedish piece of furniture actually made in France.

P.S. Recipe works best if you're a female. The Ramberg wardrobe is particularly challenging for men and quite fiendish for the less hardware-inclined.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cine stie, isi aminteste sa trimita un link catre Marjan:

La multi ani! ;)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

here's a very simple 5 point grid meant to answer a similarly simple question:

How Green is Your City?

The five characteristics of a green city

it refers to:
  • public transportation
  • electricity
  • actual green
  • recycling, and
  • green events/ attitude.
Happy over-viewing!


Monday, August 04, 2008

Lizzo Day 134

last weekend's fast track solution (J. might disagree on this choice of words, given the time he had spent on choosing and generally planning our trip) was camping in Sines.

included were few hours of sleep, fresh air, sun bathing on an almost empty beach and a few sights I enjoyed quite a bit, together with smiling while passing by Vasco da Gama's possible birthplace;
unexpected were meeting some friends, an exhibition over 'urban scapes & unusually-common Lisbon faces' and my late night thoughts over the commonplace of drugs amongst middle class Portuguese youth.

... did I mention that I really enjoyed the scapes? :)
