Thursday, February 13, 2003

Hello, everyone!

Iaca mai ajung si eu sa scriu pe blog. Marian & Teo - I'm still alive, I'm just gonna post on the blog as opposed to e-mailing.

I hope you guys still get to read this. I updated my Photo Album (check the link on the left) and posted a couple of photos on the blog (finally, permanent links work, tx to my nyu website!). Those were the headshots I had, but please feel free to argue with me about posting your photo. There's more than enough space. Also, if you have any recent, crazy photo, e-mail it to me and I'll keep updating.

Nu am scris de ceva vreme, busier than ever. I'm doing an internship with the NYU Law School every weekend, and less debate. However, this weekend we are having the NYU Debate Tournament, and it's quite hectic, on top of my research paper and a lot of classes.

Sper sa strang bani suficienti sa dau prin tara la sfarsitul primaverii, sau undeva in august. Cica eu si colega-mea de camera vrem sa ne mutam off-campus, adica nu la camin, ci la o locuinta de mai lunga durata, in compartie cu trambaleala anuala de aici (every year NYU assigns new dorm rooms.)

Mi-am dat seama ca permisu' meu de conducere romanesc a devenit f. folositor. With all the stupid drinking rules - 21 and above - and the egregious prices for fake IDs, I had some issues getting a drink so far. But recently I realized the 02.05.82 “date of birth” section can actually be applied to the American system of date interpretation, i.e. February 5th, 1982 :) oh well, I guess - thank God! - I am finally old enough to drink. Go me!... [smirk]

Well, hope to see more posts. I don't think I trust the whole "keep it real" thing as much as I did last year when this blog was initiated. However, I am not ready to give it up.

Inputs are welcome

P.S. In case you guys wanna have a political debate, here's a resolution - You are Bush. From now on, refer to the US as "The Axis of Good." Refer to England as a "pleasing lubricant" (or, if you don't like that one, plan B - TBR : "In the spirit of French military involvement, France ought surrender to Iraq.")
