Friday, June 25, 2004

haha - well nothing like a happy birthday fuck-up 9 days earlier! i guess this is the moment in the teo-alex couple when alex should get the flowers and the candy to soothe the forgetfullness and trick the damn routine. i could have sworn loud and clear that your bday was on the 19th and andrei's on the 28th... wow. don't ask me why. at least i remember they are relatively close to each other. so yeah, sorry for fucking up. but still, happy earlier bday! hope u're having a blast. la fel si andrei! (i might drop by Cali at some point this summer.)

p.s. teo - i'm sure you enjoyed the hell out of my 19th bday card, lol; still in the NL?


well, right... pana cand am ajuns eu sa citesc postul tau, aici s-a facut the 25th. but that's fine! cause it means i'm right on time to wish ANDGHEI all my best for tomorrah! :) which IS the case, si poate ajunge si el sa vada si sa inteleaga ca ma mai gandex la el... :)

as for the 19th... what about it?!? what's on the 19th, Alex?!? that's one thing that got me lost... well, right, thanks anyway... (?!?!?)

see you all in a bit
till then, hugs'n'kisses from

Saturday, June 19, 2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TEO! Still the 19th over here...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

got that feeling of things one does in vain, but i'll try nonetheless :) [cum va place optimismu mieu, uai?!?] - deci: daca citeste careva blogaru & daca acel cineva sa intampla sa vb si cu Luca, sa-i transmiteti La Multi ..! si din partea mea.

va salut din mers,

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

happy belated birthday, corin! hope you had a blast