Monday, August 22, 2005

My mom told me about Luca's dad. Is it true?!?
My grandma passed away last week. Horrible summer.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

hello there, you Andghei & Vlad people! Noi cand ne mai vedem in viitoru apropiat? Ia zicetz ceva!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

happy to find out that some people are good!! (I've been better, to be honest...) - nu prea stiu ce comentarii sa aduc si cu privire la ce anume, viata mea e o completa monotonie si cam atat, as vrea sa fac o mie de chestii dar bucurestiul ma oboseste inca inainte de a ma trezi si in fiecare noua zi ma trezesc mai obosita decat in ziua precedenta -- inca mai astept sa ma acomodez, for that matter...

other than that, working though not gettin paid, watchin movies and doing a bit of readin every now and then. and, most importantly, trying to figure out where i'm heading to (creca spre NEcunoscut, vorba lu Vlad...)
