back to RO day 26 (Bucuresti)
gps: Compartimentul verificare si validare cheltuieli, OI POS DRU, MEdCT (a.k.a. camera 6)
working on: the Framework Document for Implementing the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, draft of August 2007
flavour: cereal & milk
last couple of weeks:
Mon, 17.09: back to Bucharest
Tue, 18.09: back to work at the MoERY
Wed, 19.09: on the way to the Neptun seaside training
Thu, 20.09 - Mon, 24.09: Monitoring Units training & discussions (incl. the weekend)
Mon, 24.09: on the way back to Bucharest
Tue, 25.09: running up & down the Ministry's hallways to get my return to work approved
Wed, 26.09: request approved & Bogdan's visit to Bucharest (my sister's friend)
currently: work updates on relevant documents, corrections & questions
on my mind: Amsterdam, friends, emails, resume updating, apps, the flat here, the weekend, administrative (read: bureaucratic) procedures
I'm sleepy!!!