Buch Day 101
[back @ work week 13]
location: my desk
air: happified
office mates' shirts colours: orange, beige, brown stripes & olive
Yesterday: the beginning of the year-long
60th anniversary of the UDHR - Int'l Human Rights day, which pops up the same ol' question: What did the world manage to accomplish over the last 59 years so far as human rights are concerned? Well, the factual developments have been uneven [as per usual] in different parts of the world. For me, a personal fav has been the one promoted by
IDEA, which most markedly left its prints over my last 8 years of growth process, with a deep root for self-promoting continuation: freedom of speech. Actually, IDEA contributors did take a stand on yesterday's occasion - which can be read
... Yet reading about rights - informative & somewhat reassuring it might seem - doesn't manage to impact those in need of reinforcement; and that should count for more than pensive discontent on my part. What I'm trying to say, as obvious & as basic as it may be, is that impact may only result from practice, and practice doesn't need to be related to far-off places that one might never have even dreamt of. There are countries where practice may start from one's own neighbourhood (this one included), and I'm not talking about the 2nd generation of rights when writing this, but about basic references to Children & Women's Rights ... something that I'm thinking about & trying to act upon, something for which I wish I could act as an eye-opener for those around myself. And I must add: it takes patience, a lot of it!
[credits for the image go