What's behind the things we buy [IOM Buy Responsibly Campaign]
Labels: human trafficking, IOM
As said yesterday, today is the Climate Change theme on Blog Action Day. Not having prepared my own, here are a couple of interesting takes:
How climate change impacts children
“Go Green” has become a popular catch-phrase over the last few years, with campaigns encouraging everything from recycling to driving electric cars to eating organic chickens. We all know that reducing our carbon footprint is important for future generations. What you may not know is that climate change is about more than just ensuring the future of the planet’s resources—it is a very present and real danger to millions of those most vulnerable to its harmful effects: the world’s children.
... and
The UK is doing its bit– the first country to set legally binding targets to cut its carbon footprint and the first to set carbon budgets to limit emissions. But we, and the rest of the world, have a massive challenge in front of us. The window of action to avoid catastrophic climate change is closing and agreement at Copenhagen is by no means certain.
All countries must come together to face the shared threat. There will have to be compromise, but there cannot be compromise on the ambition – to keep global temperature rises below 2 degrees, we need nothing less than a 50% reduction in global emissions by 2050. I hope the voices raised today will help us near our goal.
Labels: Blog Action Day, international law
It was the first time ever to actually have Bulgaria as an impromptu destination, and it was fast to happen.
Labels: back to flickr, Black Sea, travel