Friday, July 30, 2004

Quick note to whomever's checking the blog regularly from Middlebury College - who are you and what's you interest in this site? I have an idea (Miha??), but I might be wrong. I don't normally check the blog stats on a daily basis - but when I do, you're IP address always shows up.

Fell free to respond via comments.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

heya -
my computer adapter has been dead for quite a while, but thanks to my open-wire, bind-them, tie-them geek skills, I improvised a temporary adapter. 

andrei: i did get your e-mail about a week ago; your last message, the one sent out at the end of june, i got it waaay into july. i also emailed you abt this. dunno what's happening. i won't be travelling to SF anymore, sorry :( budget issues and a better plane deal will drag me to Oregon for a short vacation. if you can call marian, i'm sure you can also call me; it might actually be cheaper, given that we are in the same country :) i will let you know if i come up with any means of getting to Cali, or maybe you can delay your flight back with a stop in NYC; i could even help (not much, but something) with the extra-stop expenses. lemme know, one way or another. some cali impressions would be great, also.

marian: you complain about posting your cell number online, yet you have no problem posting andrei's personal e-mail??? :P as for the other stuff, i won't be home this summer. i will fly to romania most likely around Nov 14th, for a couple of weeks. will keep you posted. i would like to go hiking again. tantea de la "colt de rai" s-a cam suparat ca i-au murit plantele din cauza fumului de tigara (luca si vlad major suspects.) but if you're planning something and it's in november, i'm in.

teo: nu stiu cine sunt "ceilalti"; as in, i'm sure we'd all like to hear impressions. u going back? staying home? r u ready to take over the NL? etc. hope your home culture shock is not too much.

vlad: mai da un semn de viata.

that's it, folks! back to work, study, and dreams of a vacation.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

i AM there already :D

   impresii?!? cred ca sunt acelasi ca la toti ceilalti.
   detalii?!? not really.

   need to head for the embassy now. see you!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

sambata dimineata sunt in bus. mai departe nu stiu cu precizie, insa am un plan! :D planul e sa ajung mai intai in IS, sa las toate bagajele, dupa care sa ma urc in primu tren de CJ, sa ma duc cu hartiile in dinti la aia, dupa care back to IS - probabil saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta ar trebui sa fiu acasa sau in drumul spre casa.

daca aflu mai multe in timp util, be sure i'll let you know bout it, oka?

Monday, July 05, 2004

Hola, muchachas & muchachos! - soon to get back to good ol' "taramuri Carpato-Danubiano-Pontice", just lettin you know, maybe see each other some time soon, a trecut cam un an, anyway, poate ar fi timpul.

de altele? infuriat de perdut portughezi aseara, lucky Greeks mofo's!
right - last Fri was my last assignment for the NL, acu imi culeg note si papelles, tryin to get my ass back home a.s.a.p. cause i need cuddlin':p

have all my best, as usu., see ya's soon, hopefully!