just found out that my exam tomorrow is actually today (in about 1h) -- excerpt from Life's Little Sur-fu*kin-prises
Thursday, March 29, 2007
A'dam Day 212
Bock 3, Exam Week
gps: FGw
working on: my last exam this week, tomorrow: NL
feeling: confused. about the weather, about the re-scheduled exam, about the exam yesterday, about finding my work...
on my mind: 6 days till I hug him again
Friday, March 23, 2007
A'dam Day 206
gps: my desk(s)
working on: 2 of the 3 exams next week (IELNLO & SRIL)
feeling: a bit late. i know i woke up a bit late today but i don't know why.
flavour: coffee. black
thinking of: the moment when this will be done
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A'dam Day 205
My Stadsdeelnieuws edition that I just picked up from the mailbox reads: "21 maart: vijftig jaar Boomfeestdag. Bomen onmisbaar voor de stad". And on the small left side column there's a notice that follows: "In het Amsterdam Historisch Museum is een gratis toegankelijke tentoonstelling over bomen in Amsterdam. Op de binnenplaats voor het restaurant. Zie ook www.ahm.nl"
I actually checked the website and thus found out about "Het Amsterdamse Bomenboek". Now, I can't remember the last time I had distinct thoughts about trees. But it does feel nice!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A'dam Day 203
So this was today: just another flat tire. I know it's a small thing, yet it's annoying nonetheless when it happens. And time consuming. And annoying. Oh, did I say that before? Oh well, and annoying.
As for the rest, we've got ourselves a crew for the Geneva Study Trip! It's been a tiresome week to this extent, but now we're more or less a complete team, for the better or for the worse, and the trip WILL take place on the 1st week of May.
And I'm still thinking of "wow"...
Monday, March 19, 2007
A'dam Day 202
Block 3, week 7
I was just google-ing images for "week 7" (pre-exam week as it were) and other than puppies and managerial charts, this seemed alright.
So, I'm not in week 7. Today: IELNLO's 2nd assignment & IEL last lecture. Tomorrow: VRK's morning hours in the office, collecting money, booking; NL class. Wed: ICL & SRIL (last lecture). Thu: gotta start studying for those exams next week! Fri: NL class & (probably) another meeting w/ coordinating Prof.
But what really strikes me today: after some 2 weeks where Spring's coming seemed definite, when I pulled the curtains today IT WAS SNOWING!! .. and it still is! talk about climate change!? i still can't snap out of it... we'll see...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
A'dam Day 200
Status Quo: with the EYS out of the picture & more recently, but for different reasons, the Hague Academy as well, now I am only waiting for the 3-months reply on the part of Europol... Probably will not get to make any more applications till the current assignments-papers-exams-bookings haze is out of the picture
Working on: my IELNLO assignment due on Monday & the Geneva Study Trip details, due on Tuesday
Trying to figure out: exams registrations, my ECTS credits, printouts, handouts, lots of strangers' emails, website updating
On my mind: deadlines 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th (double), 28th, 30th.
Good news: his 3-years-together present - a plane ticket to here!
On the back burner: I need to get some traveling air as well!
I just can't believe how fast everything happened since New Year's! It's mid-March and I feel everything was just a blink!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
.... "Au vue du très grand nombre de candidatures reçues cette année, j'ai le regret de vous annoncer ......"
moi aussi, j'ai le regret....
A'dam Day 198
mood: sunny (unbelievable!! aucun drop of rain for the past 5 days!!) :))
gps: all over the place, school, shops, home, launderette, library... here, there, everywhere
working on: VRK activities management, website, laundry, still need to figure out the tax office
flavour: coffee. good one.
10 days till exams -- 4 till next assignment
... Oh! and I'm missing that someOne sPeciaL, a.k.a. "wow!" in Vassiliki's words of last night :)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
A'dam Day 192
gps: school
working on: my Dutch abilities, the VRK's website updating, getting my money back from the insurance company
feeling: i need to get more organised. much more organised.
flavour: HEMA's strawberry syrup lolly (Jip en Janneke diksap lollies)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
A'dam Day 191
feeling: a bit more relieved
day-type: administrative. doctor, taxes, copies, shopping, packs, letters, emails...
in the air: a bit of sun & the likes of spring
on my mind: getting things done. faster.
flavour: black tea (yummy!)
thought of the day: I like my doctor here! (her name's Simone)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A'dam Day 189
feeling: overwhelmed... need to apply distribution of tasks. (and my email is being invaded by strangers!!)
as it is: IELNLO, SRIL, NL course & VRK are priorities for now. IEL, ICL, ComCom & anything else are not.
from yesterday's funny piece of email: "Due to the large number of applications we now receive we are not able to answer each applicant individually. As a result only successful applicants will be contacted by telephone or email. If you do not receive a call or email in the next 3 months, please assume that Europol can not meet your request for an internship." - funny, isn't it?!
Monday, March 05, 2007
A'dam Day 188
Week 5 - Block 3
days till exams: 20
today: my sister's arrival
on the back burner: waiting for answers for the various app's
working on: IELNLO
thinking of: State Responsibility & the next assignment...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
A'dam Day 186
... from yesterday's random thoughts:
- I'm sure I'll miss the seagulls here, I somehow got attached to their random screams, not too loud but loud enough to be heard, but more than that to their flying over my head, somewhere up there where the planes are as well. They somehow make me feel connected to the skies, missing the skies but getting them within grasp for the sole reason that they're living creatures (like myself) instead of steel machines.
- It always makes me smile, seeing or thinking of the "cloud producing factory" here. It's not that far from where I live and I can see it from different zones in my neighbourhood. Somehow the colour of the smoke it produces always managed to match the colour of the clouds at that precise moment and to intermingle. It gives me a story-like sense.
- Funnily enough, until a couple of days ago I never seriously thought about - and therefore not realised - that motorbikes have a luggage space right underneath the seat. It felt like a tiny eye-opener.
I still enjoy Saturday mornings quite a lot for the undefined grey area they bear on people's consciousness, a sense of weekend but not necessarily. There's room for work much more than on a Sunday yet not the sense of obligation stemming from traditional workdays. So today is such a day. I'm planning to have one of my bikes fixed (yesterday night been trying both but none of them worked), to get to Nieuwmarkt and to check out Squash City. I have quite an optimistic attitude as it is, also hoping to get my application done for the 3rd and last medium-term plan this week, the internship in the 4th and last block (the other 2 having been the Hague Academy & the EYS Conference).
I'm happy about my latest acquisition, the 2GB memory pen bought on Thursday.
I'm also happy about the 1st March dinner party, I enjoy being the initiator of such spontaneous events, where people feel good and get a sense of inter-cultural communication. The other thing I enjoyed about it was the fact that the people with whom it had started were not the same as the people with whom the evening ended. The evening also ended with a film: The last King of Scotland - an inspired & inspiring account on Idi Amin's rise & grip of power (Uganda, 1970s).
My last thought for now: Good morning!!