theme: post-Thanksgiving reflections
10 Things To Be Thankful For This Year! [from]
- The Bush Era is over, we were spared a McCain sequel
- The US elected its first-ever African American President - Barack Obama
- 350,000 young people signed onto Power Vote - pledging to vote for candidates who support clean renewable energy
- The Green Economy is the fastest growing sector of the US economy
- The Iran War Resolutions were defeated - people power won over AIPAC
- U.S. consumers are choosing hybrids over hummers and other gas guzzlers
- Chevron is being brought to justice in a US law suit for human rights abuses committed in Nigeria
- Democrats admit NAFTA needs to be amended
- Green Festival has expanded to five major US cities and reaching more than 100,000 people every year
- GX has been a leader in the social justice movement for 20 years, and is committed to continuing the struggle for 20 more