Thursday, July 25, 2002

hello everyone

vlad, foarte de laudat initiativa ta, but i was really waiting for you to start on the whole updating thing, at least it would have seemed logical to me since it was your proposal. nevertheless, here's the news about me:

i'm leaving tomorrow at 6pm for paris, on a really small-budget Europe trip, on the inter-rail, and meeting some friends on the way. I will be home in 2 weeks, most likely on August 8th and staying till August 22nd or so. if any of you has any plans, means, incentives, desires, etc., to head out west, let me know, and we can meet on the way - Budapesta, Viena, Berlin, whatever.

i haven't packed yet, which freaks me out and i will still be working tomorrow, 3 hours before my plane leaves.. i do hope i'll make it on time. as for the rest of my life, i am really happy now that i got into this Presidential Scholars program at NYU - more community service, a lot of semminars, essays, meetings, honors classes, but i think it's worth it; i applied for it this May and i wasn't really hoping to get in, given the fact that - in stilul meu caracteristic - i did everything the last minute, turning in my application 5 minutes before the due hour.

in rest - i have 20 dollars in my bank account, enough to get me to the airport and from Charles de Gaulle to the hostel i'll be staying at in Paris; hopefully my next pay-check will get through by Friday, otherwise it would be really sad.

as much as i enjoyed New York, i am sooo glad to get out of here, i am sick of working, and i haven't had a real vacation since this January. if any of you has any last-minute wild NYC desires - jaw-breakers for Marian, etc. - let me know a.s.a.p. if not, anything else on the way, e-mail me, i will try to check my inbox as often as possible.

that's about all.. i should go home and pack, and maybe sleep for a couple of hours. i'm really looking forward to seing you all, should you all be in Iasi in August. daca se afla careva pe la Oradea sau Cluj around August 8th, again, let me know.

the bad part is that the guy i was supposed to do this whole trip with (he really likes only boys... :) had a family issue, his grandpa i'll be on my own.. it's rather crazy, but i hope i'll manage it, inter-rail or not.

see you in two weeks or so!


Friday, July 19, 2002

f*ck... i just wrote this huge post and the stupid dell PC at work logged off... so bottom line: yey for corin! welcome, etc.

gtg back to work

Thursday, July 11, 2002

okei, Alex, ma faci sa ma gandesc la nishte bulgari de zapada mari-mari de tot, care sunt exact ceea ce am sau avem nevoie on this heat shi care cica vin repede-repede sa ne salveze, shi cu toate astea intr-un mod furios. now, trecand peste metafore shi metaforutze... the BIG idea nu era aceea ca sa ne get married sau sa ne integram social mai mult decat am facut-o pana in prezent (shi sper ca nu exista obiectzii cum ca nu ar exista oameni integratzi social printre noi or smth...). in fine, ma doare noua gaura in dinte (just comín from the dentists and thats painfull and my keyboard sux too and i cannot find the right keys and all that kinda shyte...) shi incerc sa trec peste tot felul de detalii legate de NOI, in general, detalii care nu ar fi printre cele mai favorabile, insa ma intreb cu ce mai raman daca dau deoparte the details... nu de alta, insa imi tot vin in parte anumite secventze de muzici, pics, details of speeches, clothes or stuff, a certain attitude and things like that. am cumva impresia k acum sun just like an american common soap opera-watcher or smth like that, poate ar trebui sa imi cer scuze daca va simtzitzi lezatzi de imagine, insa intamplator chiar asta cred. so, trecand peste analogii shi tot felul de ironii marunte mai mult sau mai putzin semnificative, incerc sa ma gandesc cat de mult mai exista din acea IDENTITATE DE GRUP, despre care shtiu sigur ca exista la un moment dat... a mai ramas ceva din ea, sau acum am ramas numai sa ne agatzam (shi asta numai daca avem kef, daca NU, atunci nu...) de ceva amintiri mai placute decat altele dintr-o anumita perioada a vietzii carora majoritatea ii spun ADOLESCENTZA... as in, i DO feel like debating was the best thing ive had all this time, and is that the onlz reason why we still talk to each other? id really like to know the answer to this one... you must have SOME answers, ha?

hey y'all

nice to see that people actually get to read this from time to time. teo, i was hoping not to be unique in my p.v., but again, i will always be more optimistic than you (almost direct quote from you on that.) There is one distinction, though, between what i wrote and what you touched upon. I was talking about the influnece the environment might have on us, and - i still stick to my assertion - I don't believe the change of environment changes us, but the whole experience of life in itslef. I also think that if we were to break up as a group we would have done it home as well; and if we are not a group right now, it's not just the environment, but the choices we make that determine that. But the very fact that you feel the difference in communication, and that you do "care" is more than a proof to me that no matter how shitty our conversations might end up when we get together, we still call each other and have attempts to meet, and they sometimes actually succeed..

however, please don't get it that i don't understand or feel the change - aud glume pe care nu le inteleg, or music not always appealing to me; i try to prevent myself from telling you guys that i will be going to paris this summer, on my own money, because i'm afraid i will sound like a total show-off; i don't understand why the fuck are vlad and andrei virtually fighting over a job; i can't figure it out why marian has never written that long e-mail; i can't believe that corin hasn't said a word, sau ca andrei si vlad, desi in bucuresti, il vad pe stefan din an in paste; i have more than a year of your lives to catch up with, i have a dozen of new "friends" here, shi inca ma surprind intrebandu-ma de ce mama ciorilor mai tinem legatura? the point is that we do, and that this is why i wanted to initiate this blog. roots or not, i don't think debate is the only thing keeping us together; it is a certain type of people that we belong to, something i can't put my finger on. like when you meet someone and then you know it, you want him/her to be a part of your group.

however, given the fact that i just woke up at 4 pm after a night of Al-Pacino-buying-diamonds dreams, and i missed work today, not to mention i have one dollar in my wallet and 30 cents in my bank account till they pay me, i will appeal to a more pesimistico-realistic side: one of these days, one of us is going to get married, have a new family, be the pater / mater familias (fuck that spelling) that our dear society has always taught us to strive towards. and then, i will shut the fuck up. till that moment, andrei, i'm sorry i can't make it on time pentru regionala, but please have a drink for me; anyway, can anyone give me those dates, or - easier - tell me what debate events are there gonna be in August ?


Wednesday, July 10, 2002

hello, from Iashi, this time; sunt cu Marian in ceva cafe ("and he rules"... or at least this is what he says... Marian, nu net-cafe-ul); anyways, getting to the debate that's been taking place over here these days.
our common opinion upon the matter, cel putzin asupra unui anumit punct suna in felul urmator: Alex, we think you're quite uniqe... asta fiind varianta eleganta pentru ideea cf careia punctul TAU de vedere este al TAU shi NUMAI al tau. personall,y i tend to agree more with vlad. yea, the idea of US as a group IS fucked up, dusa pe apa Sambetei, Dumnicii, Vinerei etc. (you make your pick for that matter... sad humour, ha?). un argument in sensul asta ar fi acela ca what WE believe e mai degraba k atunci cand ne vedem, mai bine zis in RARELE momente of actually being together there's no more communication, nu din aia "adevarata", in orice caz; apar numai ceva discutzii fara cap shi fara coada, ultimele bancuri, unele mai reushite, altele mai nu, sports news, cum mai e vremea... how many gf's or bf's did one have lately shi... cam atat. [gf = girlfriend, bf = boyfriend].

nu numai atat... we don't debate together any more, we don't talk over the phone, iar din experientza MEA personala am constatat ca de prin februarie shi pana acum am "talked" cu voi, totzi, laolalta, mai putzin decat am facut-o vreodata pana acum... sad, ha? especially for me, it is. i need to finish this idea, than marian will say his solution... so: i don't make friends easily... actually, if i think of it some more, for the last some 2-3 years i didn't make friends AT ALL, except for you, guys. and now this is going away too.

now, for Marian's solution: his point of view is "getting back to the roots" - mai clar: if debating was the thing to bring us together, then debate must be the thing to get us back together. mai clar: participarea, DIN NOU (again, iarashi...) TOGETHER la ceva competitzie de debates, might it be the regionals, or the nationals or smth outside romania... sau: going to the mountains, to the sea-side, to... "WHEREVER", as long as "wherever" can do the trick again.

revenind la mine, Teo: am cumva tendintza sa simt manifestarile astea, incercari de re-evaluare a pozitziilor unora fatza de ceilaltzi ca un fel de consiliere maritala. no shit, now, but it sounds pretty much like that and i don't enjoy the idea a lot, personally. insa, sincer vorbind (nu k nu ash fi eu sincera, it's just a matter of speaking..) tind sa acord mai mult credit unei actziuni de evaluare, momentan, decat unei de "getting somewhere and doing something", shi ii vad validitatea mai mare prin aceea ca we can all think about this, express our points of view, fara ca asta sa ne coste nimic shi fara sa trebuiasca sa ne intrerupem de la ceva sau altceva ca sa facem asta. we should analyze what is keep us together, still. and draw some conclusions. cuz i DO actually believe that there are still things to keep us together, might it even be the internet addiction, at times :) - bad joke, again...

i KNOW that my musical preferences changed, i also know that i started to watch more MOVIES, in exchange for that. but this is only superficial stuff. we need to go deeper than that. marian guesses he agrees...

guess i'll stop for now... but i'll MOST DEFINITELY get back, cuz i happen (or maybe i am determined, more like it...) to CARE, and cuz to me it DOES MATTER.

still Teo, but a bit sadder...

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

oh.. and when i said "you" in my previous post... it really didn't include roxana, petrica & raluca; not that we've ever been close or anything.


hello again

vlad, you're not talking to yourself, your post on Fri, July 5th, didn't get to be posted till today, July that didn't leave much time for answers.

nu stiu cat de clar am exprimat aspectul asta, but the reason for this blog is - at least from my p.v. - to keep in touch because we as a group have a significant number of memories together, but NOT ONLY. I don't know about you, but i really do not enjoy socializing with people i don't have things in common with; even the inevitable differences the environment brings about among us are - to me - of the same category(ies.) proof? it still works when we get together, though i must say i speak for more than 6 months ago. Of course one gets influenced by the environment, in the same way one gets to pick a few new jokes from a new boyfriend, or enriches one's culture by reading some kick-ass book, or choosing to have a black-eyed outcome to a fight with a more wrongly chosen life partner. the point is i don't believe people change that much, not after a certain age. i might have no clue what the hottest band in Romania is at the moment, but i still know what's happening in your life - cu intreruperile de rigoare. I might forget from time to time, but i still remember your birthdays. i might be broke and anxious to visit the rest of Europe, but i'm still coming home this summer, by train. to see parents (i miss them, can you believe that?) and friends and just do .. nothing.

bottom line: i overestimated the influence the environment has on one's personality... not on the same scale of gauging - as in.. it makes you more distant, your values change, your attitude is influenced by the culture or people of the other environment, etc- but on a different dimension; i think at least in the case of NYC, it only brings adulthood much closer to my door than I am willing to settle for. ergo, i might have been the same person home, but maybe a few years from now. I might have also ended up with a dead-end job, but not having to work 46 a week and sleep 21. that is just "me", not "me and other people"; it's not the environment that really changes us, if that change ever occurs. it's what the corniest, tackiest english idiom calls "the stuff of life."

again, nu cred ca mediul is something beyond one's control when it comes to keeping in touch with people one cares about.

well, enough said; gotta go kill this sleep and hop up on a bus to work.

weather's getting better....

Friday, July 05, 2002

and it's OOOVEEEEEEEEEER! finally, am terminat cu sesiunea. my last exam just ended some 1o mins ago! i feel tired... slept bout 1 hr last nite... gotta go catch up with some sleep... love you all and sweet dreams! :)

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

freakin weather; i cannot breathe

Monday, July 01, 2002


teo, i hope u got my e-card; belated blog wishes from me as well; sper ca o sa betzi cu totzii shi pentru mine, i promise some drinks on me this August.
till then, i gotta run to work so i can get paid and buy a plane ticket and get home this summer.

hope everyone's having a blast
