Saturday, September 28, 2002

lucrurile de azi suna mai fericit decat cele de ieri, insa nu cu mult. dupa un drum de aproape 1o ore - nush de ce, dar se pare ca trenul meu a avut shi intarziere - in care am "locuit" in acelashi compartiment, pe rand, cu un drunkard, un manelist, un frate de manastire suferind de logoree shi o noua studenta alaturi de al sau padres politzistus, toate aceste experientze fiind mai mult decat stresante, shi timp in care n-am reushit sa dorm deloc, am ajuns ieri de dimineatsa in Cluj. dupa poveshti de vreo 2 ore, am dormit - sau, mai corect spus, am INCERCAT sa dorm - pentru vreo jumatate de ora, dupa care i was back on the road, incercand sa-mi gasesc cazare. drumurile m-au purtat prin ploi, noroaie, pe la femei nesuferite shi undeva pe la 4.oo p.m. am decis sa dorm shi atat, pentru ca nu aveam ce altceva face, decat o depresie nervoasa... but! surprize-surprize! of course ca n-am reushit sa dorm decat vreo jumatate de ora, again, pentru ca there were people care wanted me to entertain them. nu voi intra in prea multe detalii, decat in acela prin care remarc momentul cel mai nesuferit al zilei, shi anume aseara pe la 8.3o, my mum driving to targovishte, to some wedding, my dad answering HER mobile phone and yelling at me, finding no fucking way to be constructive and just speaking non-sense. so, the day was fucked. and i wasn't the cause, merely the object.

concluzii: inca n-am cazare, singura posibilitate care se intrevede la orizont for the time being fiind aceea de a imi accepta soarta legala, shi anume intr-un camin din ala nice cu cate 6 in camera, camin de fete and all that shit. cuz that's where i got to be sent, legally speaking. incercarile mele de a ajunge la ceva mai bun - i deserve better, i deserve more! - probabil ca se vor incheia pana martzi, cel tarziu, daca nu, e posibil sa pierd pana shi locul in caminul cu pricina. that wouldn't be so cute, would it?

cam atat despre povestirile MELE din cripta... i can still hope for better... but won't that just make me a big fool? ... intrebarea ramane in suspensie for now.

cius, cius, try to have a better time than me, anyways!
p.s. Corin... all my apologies! :( i can't be feel miserable and sad bout not having seen you... atat.

Friday, September 27, 2002

corin - i hope you weren't stoned during your last post.
vlad - click the "ALEX's photos" link - the same as last time - and then click "My Photos" when you get to yahoo.


Wednesday, September 25, 2002

New Photos

hey, natziune

teo - huge thanks for the photos. i'll scan some of mine later on; i just added yours to my yahoo account. if you guys have any other photos you wanna scan and e-mail to me, i can do the same.


i'm on the run... corin, i WILL get at you tonite, just that some things have popped up. acum e 9 fara ceva. guess i'll get there by 9.3o, anyway, see ye!

Monday, September 23, 2002

seen "the insider" some 2 nights ago; featuring our all-beloved Russell Crowe (the Mr. Beautiful Mind), AL pacino and Cristopher Plummer. quite some guys, and not a bad film, for that matter. the main cultural topic was reffering to the tobacco indutry in the U.S., to be more specific, a question of morals. the psichological plot: the balance toward being a Good Citizen and Caring bout the others' well care, when compared to the own benefit and state of mind/money/family, so on, so on... se pluseaza mult, se incearca mentinerea unei intensitati destul de mari. can't get one bored, by my opinion. bottom line: i enjoyed it.

as for Beautiful Mind: too slowly paced for startes, going too speedy at half the film, dupa care se molesheshte din nou; ultima parte nici macar nu mai povesteshte despre vreo 2o de ani, in timp ce in prima parte se poveshte cu mici detalii in termeni de zile shi chiar ore. in afara de asta, cu exceptzia ineditului situatziei pentru those imaginary friends and how far can one go about that - ceea ce cred ca nu e chiar atat de exceptzional pentru nici un caz patologic de paranoia, for that matter - nu am gasit nimic special sau surprinzator. so, it got me quite dissapointed. cred ca s-a facut, in general, prea multa valva pentru filmul asta deoarece - aici explicatzia e numai una POTENTZIALA, tin sa subliniez asta - the usual american lacks imagination in some great amounts, cu exceptzia copiilor shi, poate, a teenagerilor, unii dintre ei - Alex, you're my guest to show to me how wrong i am regarding this issue, daca tu crezi ca greshesc.

that's about it for now. am auzit ca Stefan m-a sunat some 1 week ago, my dad couldn't give me any details... so, if you happen to be around, Stefan, don't hesitate to let me know ce shi cum, ok?

as for Corin: ieri - duminica, that is - te-am cautat (eu shi Marjan) prin NOrd-ESt, presupun ca nu erai fiindca n-ai putut veni cu mashina?!? anyways, we'd love to see you... eu plec in CLuj joi, so that's about it regarding the deadline. cius to all.

Friday, September 20, 2002

vlad - am avut impresia (si inca o mai am) ca postul tau era cumva prea formal pentru ceea ce asteptam eu, cel putin. i mean, e ok sa aflu ce si cum in cele 5 minute libere de care dispui, yet ... nu stiu, poate fac eu prea multe nazuri. wood i ov dunn the same in alte circumstante? hard to picture.

alex - good to know ye're ok and that the goddamn yankeys let you be, after all! break a leg la the debates ye're to have soon!

corinu - good to know of your exam... desi fugitiv, mai bine si asa.

marjane - i'll get to iasi tomorrow, dupa cum ti-am povestit si in mail, deja. wool talk a.s. as i get there. promisse. and wool try to set everything in order.

andrei & stefan - hello... you alive? guess so... you busy? ... guess so... cius si voua. mmm... that's about that for now. n-am multe de zis, just hurring.

aaa! list of films i've seen during the past week. o scriu acum si aici in speranta ca vom putea povesti macar despre o parte din ele. so here, goes, chronologically:
- A Beautiful Mind;
- Windtalkers;
- Amelie (le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain);
- Harry Potter;
- Ice Age;
- Minority Report;
- eXistenZ;
- Leon (by Luc Besson, Nikita kinda thing - the ORIGINAL nikita);
- Vertical Limit (ceva cu alpinishti care mor pe capete).
atat, for now. cius to all and good luck!

hey y'all

first - i took the liberty to edit corin's post, by adding the spaces.
i haven't posted in a while, though i still got to read the blog and i'm trully glad you guys went on posting; it's for this purpose that I had initially created the blog. huge congrats are in place, better late than ever; in no particular order: corin pt. ca a luat examenul, teo pt. ca a trecut de mariri si toate celea, marian pt. ca se tine de slujba, luca pt - finally - being a law school student [i hope you don't stop here, man, with both reaching your goals and posting on this blog], vlad pt. organizarea nationalei & putting up with 2 jobs, andrei pt... well...whatever i'm sure he's doing, including making a damn good job out of not posting, and me... for puttin up with my crazy schedule, i guess.

it's 1:48 a.m., i'm leaving tomorrow to Maryland for a debate tournament, and - most likely - I should be sleeping right now. it's been a hectic day, i have 3 to 4 courses each day, 2 jobs, as i got a new one midtown, debate practice Tue and Thu, and - on top of that - the stress caused by the NYU payroll department, i.e. them messing up my papers. consequence - i'm getting paid in 4 weeks as opposed to.. tomorrow. si avand in vedere ca in mare parte imi platesc si eu mancarea anul asta [NYU prices got up, but my scholarship remained the same], I will most likely be living on a lot of omlettes for the next month.

sper sa reusiti sa faceti ceva despre sediul din iasi. teo, i just didn't feel like writing. you might know why; bluntly, i just felt that i needed to get away for a while from any connection to this blog. this summer was a bit disappointing. but it's all good now, i'm back on track, i'm busy again, and there's hardly any time for a lot of personal thinking. it's also about 80% sure i'll be staying here for Christmas. dragonii din Romania nu au vizitat NYU inca, desi ma intrebam si eu ce mama ciorilor o sa faca dragonul ala minuscul pe plaiuri mioritice? I liked Minority Report till the too Spielberg-like ending; family-guy Tom Cruise character is just not my type.

that's it so far, i need to go eat something before my stomach starts eating itself, and sleep before i become too incoherent. tx all for wishes de sf. alex.


Thursday, September 19, 2002

I don’t really know where i’m supposed to start at. This is one of those moments when the weather is as shitty as possible and that makes me want to try be constructive. Don’t laugh, cuz i mean it! I’ve just written some mails, and i thought that might turn out to be a good - a se citi ‘decent’ - start, but now i’m not so sure. Am cumva vaga impresie ca acum trag de timp intr-un mod nu tocmai elegant, and, as this ain’t a debate, maybe i shouldn’t be saying anything at all, instead of saying nothing. Most probably, asta e una dintre incercarile de a atrage atentia, one of the silly ways of mentioning: ‘hey, i’m alive! I’m here! Where are you?! Are you alive too? And, if so, where exactly did you dissapear?’. Right now i just feel like having a drink. Not a soft one. Nu un ‘ceva’ de grapefurit, neacidulat. Mai degraba some wine or a beer, but it’s too cold for beer and i can’t have wine just by myself. Somehow, weather seems ok for lament. But i don’t feel like Cranberried for the time, and my head is too full of historical shits so that i could start watching films. So i won’t do any. I’ll just hope that the Romanian colony of dragons which has been mentioned in Harry Potter, by Hagrid (hope you know what i’m talking of, here...) will be so kind as to pay me a visit and we’ll have a little chat on insignificat issues, such as their last visit to the Gargoyles guarding NYU. Not a subtle hint here, but quite an obvious one. So: where are you???

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

have that strange feeling like talking to myself, but it ain't new so why would i bother to actually take it into consideration after all? nvm. seen eXistenZ last night, enjoyed it a lot and minority report the day before, also lots of fun. if anyone feels like saying anything regarding this issue, don't hesitate. over n out. - Teo

Monday, September 16, 2002

am avut restantza azi... am luat 1o.. am mancat panica cu carul... now i just need to sleep a lot... i'm very tired, very very... so, Corinu, how did it go on THE D day? :)

marian.. care exact sunt planurile tale de mers in bucureshti? maybe ajung shi eu pe-acolo at the same time. that would be smth, don't you think? mai mult decat in ultimul an, that's for sure.

gotta go.. sit back and relax, somehow. soon incepe shi shcoala. we'll see what's what. till the, cius and love to you all, guys! :)

Thursday, September 12, 2002

NOT so funny stuff:
the bad news: am facut un fel de bronshita destul de horrible de la fumat shi dormit cu geamul deskis... not so kewl, ain't it?
OK stuff:
am luat 1o la marirea de ieri! yupy! :)

love you all! Corinu`, bafta again!

titlu: Fun Stuff


>>Trivia at its best - Weird Things You Would Never Know!!
>>Butterflies taste with their feet.
>>A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
>>In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the
>>nuclear weapons combined.
>>On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every
>>On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
>>Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived
>>Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating
>>already married.
>>Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
>>Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
>>It's possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
>>Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
>>It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
>>The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every
>>because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account
>>weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
>>A snail can sleep for three years.
>>No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
>>Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.
>>Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears
>>never stop growing. - SCARY!!!
>>The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
>>All polar bears are left handed.
>>In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their
>>their eyebrows and eyelashes.
>>An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
>>TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters
>>on one row of the keyboard.
>>"Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
>>If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She
>>would stand seven feet, two inches tall.
>>A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
>>The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
>>Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
>>Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

dear kids,

yam happy to hear of both corin and luca back here - in alphabetical order, ca altfel nu shtiu cum... eu tocmai am ieshit de la ceva exam, am mai avut ieri unul shi in vreo 3 zile there's one more; i'm a bit stressed out and definitely running out of time, as usual, i guess. happy to see corin's photos. happy to hear of luca's law school issue. sleepy due to the weather outside. tired cuz of the history feeding i've been pushing inside my own body for the past one month smth. excited bout the movies i am about to see today. and very-very-veeeeeeeery into travelling.

well, sorry i gotta be briefer than the usual, as i said i'm on the run, just popped up here to say a couple of words. cius, cius la totzi and don't "politzia gandirii" get to you! - keep the spirit alive! :)

Sunday, September 01, 2002

hey, y'all

i made it back to NYC after 3 nights on trains, a day in Vienna and a night in Paris. i'm still sleeping with my eyes open, I haven't had more than 7 hours of sleep per night in a week, because of my international student orientation. I got to show off to the new students, help out and everything. Now i'm struggling with the flu and my jet-legged mood. tx for the wishes. Corin, I fixed the link for you; i don't know what you got wrong, it might have only been the lack of adding a title. edit your message if you want to see it (the html i mean.) that's about all, i need to go figure out what my lunch is gonna be.